cross-posted from:

“We are going to do something that I will say is slightly controversial but it shouldn’t be. We are going to indemnify policemen and precincts and states and cities from being sued. We want them to do their job. Our police and law enforcement has to come back and they want to come back and they want to do their job. And we are going to indemnify them so they don’t lose their wife, their family, their pension, and their job. We are going to indemnify policemen and law enforcement. We are going to tell them to get out, we love you, do your job.” – Trump, speaking last night at the New York Young Republicans Club gala.

Trump going after the tyrant vote.

  • DigitalTraveler42
    1205 months ago

    Motherfucker wants a police state, but one he and his buddies are totally not accountable in, fuck this geriatric wannabe dictator.

      505 months ago

      Of all the 60+ million people who intend to vote for him next year, this ridiculous rhwtoric will dissuade exactly none of them.

      Meanwhile the left needs to be cajoled and won over and made to feel special just to get them to the fucking polling station.

        375 months ago

        BuT BiDeN nEeDs To EaRn My VoTe!

        If we manage to avoid a fascist takeover, it will be in spite of the naive progressive idealogues who think they have the privilege to vote their conscience.

          135 months ago

          It’s the political reality that you need the votes of people to your left who you hate. Get to it.

          I’m already voting for Biden. You’ll scream at me anyway because you don’t want to treat voters you need as though you need their votes.

            115 months ago

            people to your left who you hate

            I don’t hate them. I said certain ones are naive (aggravatingly so, to clarify further). Too many people talk and act as if they can choose this time and keep that ability to choose next time.

            If you have the sense to see what you stand to lose in this dumb FPTP system, then we are in the same boat. I understand the desire to have your elected leaders actually do something progressive, or doing something that makes you truly proud of them.

            But as someone said, voting is a chess move, not a love letter.

            • FuglyDuck
              95 months ago

              I don’t hate them. I said certain ones are naive (aggravatingly so, to clarify further). Too many people talk and act as if they can choose this time and keep that ability to choose next time.

              in the time that I’ve been voting… the US has only slid right. The democrats have done exceedingly little to halt that.

              Rear guard delaying actions, to use the military parlance, do not win wars. Biden is moderate only in consideration that the GOP are so much further to the right as to actively embrace fascism. We cannot keep acting as we always have and expect something to magically fix itself. So now is the time to start changing how we vote and the people we send to be voted for.

              it’s really that simple.

                • FuglyDuck
                  75 months ago

                  That is what they said last time, too. Complete with a promise of “one term”

                  Why should anyone believe you (and Biden) this time?

              35 months ago

              I don’t hate them.

              Don’t lie to me. I know how you’ve responded to me in the past when I didn’t include that I was voting for Biden in my comment.

              I understand the desire to have your elected leaders actually do something progressive, or doing something that makes you truly proud of them.

              I very much doubt that.

              But as someone said, voting is a chess move, not a love letter.

              And the move expected of the progressives you hate is always “forfeit.”

            5 months ago

            And you need the votes of people to your right who you hate. That’s the political reality of it. It’s a two way street, and both progressives and moderates see it as a one way.

            I get to see that a lot because I have the same goals and desires of progressives (which is why I consider myself one), but I think we should achieve them with plans grounded in reality that are based on systems and practices we already know work. That aligns more with how the moderates do things. In short, I just want to reach the outcome in the best way possible, without any unpleasant surprises.

            I expect something snarky in response to that, but I hope I’m wrong. Because as much as you may dislike me I’m the vote, directly to your right, that you need. Do you believe your words to apply fairly to everyone, or just the groups you dislike?

            Edit: And just to be clear, I really see no reason for us to be adversarial. I want the same goals as you at the end of the day, and given you’re voting for Biden, I think our thoughts on the methods aren’t all that different either.

              55 months ago

              And you need the votes of people to your right who you hate.

              The party has you covered. They have spent the past half a century moving to the right to appeal to the centrists and try, Chamberlain-like, to appease Republicans. If the party ever does something that its pampered right flank dislikes in the slightest, then I’ll start talking about how we need to keep their votes.

              The last time that happened was when the voters overcame the party’s attempt to coronate Clinton and nominated Obama instead. The Clinton wing of the party formed a PAC to try to elect McCain and Palin. Obama, always eager to capitulate to his right, actually tried to get their votes back by selecting a moderate as his VP pick. Clinton selected the anti-choice Tim Kaine as her VP pick as a “fuck you, you’ll vote for me cause you gotta” to the left. Biden chose the war on drugs DA as his VP.

              Because as much as you may dislike me I’m the vote, directly to your right, that you need. Do you believe your words to apply fairly to everyone, or just the groups you dislike?

              The party does what you want already. You have a party that represents you. The left has a party that opposes them and orders them to vote for them anyway.

                15 months ago

                I already told you, I sit between progressives and moderates because I have the same goals as progressives and the same methods as moderates (or at least what would be considered a slower and measured process).

                You’ve also avoided my question, I’m not talking about who the party appeals to here. There’s already plenty of discussion about what moderates do. I want to know what you think about how progressives should build coalitions. Believe it or not, I want to see progressives win. I’m asking how they should appeal to moderates and earn their votes for a general election once they win a primary – without completely capitulating to the center.

                Progressives and Democrat moderates/establishment need each other to win elections, and as you’ve aptly pointed out, they don’t value that. There’s going to come a time in the next few decades where the dynamics flip though, and progressives have more power. How should we act differently then – if at all? It’s perfectly valid to say they can reap what they sow and also be taken for granted. I just think there’s a real opportunity in cooperation instead to have a strong electoral alliance.

                If it isn’t clear, I have no desire to be adversarial with you, just genuine discussion. I don’t agree with everything you say necessarily, but there’s enough I agree with on some level that my being a dick is getting in the way of learning your perspective. And along those lines – sorry that I’ve been a dick to you, especially with how I ignored you saying you’ll vote for Biden just so I could make witty arguments and quips. That was disrespectful and also utterly counterproductive.

                • FuglyDuck
                  25 months ago

                  I already told you, I sit between progressives and moderates because I have the same goals as progressives and the same methods as moderates (or at least what would be considered a slower and measured process).

                  You know, that makes you a conservative right? Slowing progress and social change is the heart of conservatism. (In reality republican “conservatives” are in fact regressive- which is why they got rid of RvW, want to get rid of Obama care, and deregulate every regulation curtailing corporates.)

                  Just something for you to think about.

                  15 months ago

                  I already told you, I sit between progressives and moderates because I have the same goals as progressives and the same methods as moderates (or at least what would be considered a slower and measured process).

                  The latter is designed to make sure the former never happens.

                  There’s going to come a time in the next few decades where the dynamics flip though, and progressives have more power.

                  If Democrats do not alter course, they will alienate enough of the votes that they needed and Republicans will win before that happens. Maybe not this election, maybe not the next one. But our current messaging won’t succeed forever, and it won’t carry us to the future in which progressives have any power. And we know what Republicans’ plans are. There won’t be meaningful elections after that.

                  How should we act differently then – if at all?

                  There won’t be a then if the party maintains its current heading

                  It’s perfectly valid to say they can reap what they sow and also be taken for granted.

                  It certainly is. They should sow other crops.

                  I just think there’s a real opportunity in cooperation instead to have a strong electoral alliance.

                  That opportunity exists today, and I fear it will not exist in the future. Centrists refuse to seize it, and progressives are not in a position to. If you want magnanimity, lead by example. Like this:

                  And along those lines – sorry that I’ve been a dick to you, especially with how I ignored you saying you’ll vote for Biden just so I could make witty arguments and quips. That was disrespectful and also utterly counterproductive.

                  This shows a capacity for introspection and humility that centrists are often too proud or antagonistic to display. Apology accepted.

        • FuglyDuck
          65 months ago

          look, you can say what you want about progressives. Just know, I think you believe you have the privilege of dictating who I vote for… which is not democracy, and you can go fuck off with trump (who, believe it or not, shares that belief.)

          You want people to vote for your candidate? you should maybe not piss them off first. Besides which, right now, it’s the primary and not even about Biden vs Trump. for the DNC, it’s a question of which candidate is the best.

            25 months ago

            Interestingly enough, the DNC is actively subverting the primary elections in every state they can. They don’t want primary elections because they know how incredibly unpopular Biden is, and yet they insist he is the only one who can beat Trump. I disagree emphatically - Biden is the only one who can lose to him, and we are hurtling towards that terrible outcome due to corrupt establishment politics.

            • FuglyDuck
              35 months ago

              Well, I wouldn’t say Biden is the only one who can loose… There’s others right up there with him in that. but those ones are all basically the same, so I don’t know that it makes all that much in difference.

              I wouldn’t be surprised to find they’ve always meddled and outright cheated in primaries to keep progressives out.

                35 months ago

                Yeah I suspect there is a long and storied history of this happening. If there’s one thing all the corporate shills in DC can agree on, it’s that progressives represent a threat to their very way of life. Imagine, politicians who would fight for regular people, instead of corporate interests. O, the humanity…

        235 months ago

        Get better messaging, then. Screaming at them ain’t gonna work.

        Scream at me for pointing it out. It beats trying to get votes.

        (I’m voting for Biden. “Not Trump” has convinced me. It won’t convince all the voters you’ll need to win, and you’d rather lose than stop punching left.)

            65 months ago

            In concert with campaign promises that haven’t borne fruit, mainly due to Democrats getting in their own way. Now we’re down to just “not Trump”. I think relying on that message alone is doomed to fail. If you don’t think we need better messaging or even additional messaging, fine.

            But don’t blame people to whom you are hostile when they don’t enthusiastically vote like you want.

              15 months ago

              Imagine being upset that your candidate has to actually have good policy proposals that voters support in order to get votes.

              • I mean, I feel like most people are pretty upset about it. I’m pretty upset I have to vote for Biden in order to vote against Trump, but I’m still gonna do it.

              05 months ago

              mainly due to Democrats getting in their own way.

              This is the “only Democrats have agency” thing, yes? To blame them for failing while ignoring all the Republicans who actively oppose progress.

                25 months ago

                I don’t expect Republicans to vote with Democrats. I don’t expect Democrats to vote with Republicans. Just enough Democrats do anyway.

      • DigitalTraveler42
        75 months ago

        It’s easy, the Right are fanatics doing fanatic things, the Left haven’t had something to be “fanatical” about since Obama, Biden has done a great job for the most part, obviously with some disappointment here and there, no presidency is perfect, but Old man Biden just doesn’t excite people, and it’s only Trump keeping him running, if Don the Con would go to prison and stop running we’d be able to hopefully elect somebody under 60, and most of those Republican candidates are just as scary as Trump, and bless Chris Christie and Liz Chaney for finally committing political suicide by fighting against the fascism in their party, especially after enabling it for so long.

    • GodlessCommie
      -175 months ago

      And Biden is now training that police state with proposed cop cities all across the country.

      • Flying Squid
        135 months ago

        There is precisely one “Cop City.” In Atlanta. And it is not a federal training facility, it’s being run by the Atlanta Police Foundation, so I’m not sure why you think Biden has anything to do with it.

        I am very doubtful that the Atlanta Police Foundation even has a lot of Biden voters in its ranks.

    • Flying Squid
      705 months ago

      And yet millions of people still want to vote for him! It’s baffling!

      • TechyDad
        345 months ago

        That’s because they think it’ll only apply to “those other people” that they don’t like. For example, with police brutality, the white, straight, Christian right thinks the police will only beat “black thugs” so it’s perfectly fine in their book.

      • F_Haxhausen
        65 months ago

        They want to vote for him because they agree with him.

        It is not baffling in the least.

      25 months ago

      He’s laying out his fascist plans in a bid to win fascist votes, and his odds are not terrible. His supporters will see how he failed last time and work to correct course next time. This whole police state thing and all his dehumanizing characterization of political opponents and his authoritarian leadership tendencies, align with mainstays of fascist rhetoric. This includes his narrative about domestic political subversion and his vow to suspend the Constitution, as well as his engagement with the QAnon wing of the MAGA movement.

      For us, it’s a warning, for them, it’s a selling point.

      “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” -Maya Angelou

      • cheesepotatoes
        5 months ago

        I struggle to understand why any common person would ever want less police accountability. Do you like being abused by people in positions of power? Is it some sort of sexual masochism?

        • F_Haxhausen
          -25 months ago

          So they are not afraid to do their job. The police need to have the freedom to do their job most efficiently and effectively.

          • cheesepotatoes
            15 months ago

            You believe police need more leeway in their ability to brutalize people for them to police effectively?

            That’s ridiculous, obviously.

    475 months ago

    “we’re gonna get all of the cops nice new uniforms and badges, cool badges with skulls on them, and we’ll teach them all to march around the streets and round up all the undesirables!”

    445 months ago

    How about the capitol police who responded to the January 6th riot? Did he even think the whole statement through?

      145 months ago

      Nah, doesn’t count. Seen all the twisting they’ve had to pull to not admit the cops weren’t on their side? They were anitfa, FBI plants, whateverthefuck. The one thing the capitol police were not, were a bunch of cops doing their job. Because that don’t fit the narrative.

      Look at 'em go after the guy that shot Traitor Barbie through the neck. Somehow that was not a legitimate use of force against a mob trying to kill our Congresspeople?!

      • admiralteal
        5 months ago

        Imagine explaining to someone in 2016 that by mid 2021 the FBI wouldn’t be considered cops by the right.

    285 months ago

    This would be setting fire to the first amendment.

    Besides freedom of speech, of and from religion, the 1st recognizes our right to get redress from the government for grievance.

    The government CAN NOT do whatever they want to us. That rule has been there the whole fucking time.

    5 months ago

    Trump continued:

    “And so we can distinguish our brave police who have taken up our indemnification, we’ve designed a new uniform for them. They will have brown shirts and ties. i like brown, you like brown, everybody loves brown. And we will want a really good name, the best name for our brave Brownshirts. I was thinking something like the Storm Division. What do you think, isn’t that the greatest? I think it’s the greatest.”

      145 months ago

      but some pepple dont like division because it divides people. i dont agree but some say this. maybe it can be a team or a squad, like squad cars or storm squad. they can have a cool storm logo with a lightening bolt and use S S for super sexy, because thats what they are.

      25 months ago

      Red shirt and brown pants are the best combo. Hides the stains if they ever get into an actual conflict

  • BeautifulMind ♾️
    245 months ago

    There’s a lot to unpack in this statement, but the short of it is that he’s thinking like a terrorist- that the role of police is to instill fear and the thing keeping them from fulfilling it is that they fear being sued. He’s telling his supporters that he wants cops to do crimes with impunity

        • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
          5 months ago

          Things are bad, but they could always be worse, so let’s accept the way things are…?

            15 months ago

            No I’m saying that by irresponsibly overusing superlatives like “all,” we remove the potency of the word. E.g., “today sucks and cops kill innocent people all the time, especially if you’re a person of color, disabled, mentally ill, or a dog. And the decent ones don’t upstand and report making them complicit for fear of self preservation, but not necessarily bastards. Good thing they’re not ALL murderers using their privilege to rampantly kill. Because that would be thousands times even worse”

            It gets worse. This is not all. There is more.

            • NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
              15 months ago

              The whole point of ACAB isn’t to label all police as bad people, nor to say this we’re in literally the worst situation we could be. It can always, always be worse. Americans, by and large, have an extremely limited worldview in which many have historically not seen the cracks in our foundations or been in a position where such cracks have directly affected them. The point is to highlight those cracks. Could there be more nuance? Surely. That nuance doesn’t fit well within a concise slogan of four letters, however. Unless NACBALOCAB - Not All Cops But a Lot of Cops Are Bastards - sounds good to you, haha

    235 months ago

    Alright, so, real talk, this is an appeal directly to the people in police work who are in it for the authority (spoiler: too many, unfortunately), as well as to the asset owning class that depends on the police to keep them from losing their investments or worse. The message being sent is: vote for me, work for me, and you’ll be free from accountability.