BeautifulMind ♾️

Late-diagnosed autistic, special interest-haver, dad, cyclist, software professional

  • 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The one sure way to end the fighting is to fund Ukraine’s defense. When the right defunded Ukraine’s defense, they didn’t do it to promote peace, they did it to advance the interests of their allies (that is, Putin).

    The reality of ‘ending the fighting’ is going to mean the violence will continue in the territory Russia controls, even after the ‘hostilities’ as such are ended. When Russia gains some territory, the russification of that territory involves punishing the people there for not having surrendered more quickly, liquidating institutions of local culture and replacing them with Russian ones, the separation of families, the internal displacement of locals on trips to the far east that many won’t survive, the ‘political reeducation’ camps, etc.

    When US politicians try to pass off enabling a certain genocide as an ‘end to hostilities’ or in anodyne terms like ‘cede some territory’, don’t let them do it. They’re not acquiescing to the inevitable, they’re actively partnering in genocide.

  • On the one hand, their pro-Palestinian politics are morally valid and increasingly popular as the world watches horrifying human rights violations in Gaza- I agree with them, it’s important to put pressure on the Democrats to get on the right side of this issue.

    On the other hand, I honestly think we are one GOP sweep victory away from an end to democracy in the USA- and my take on that is that the establishment-Dems probably think a 4-year stint of being punished by Republicans will teach those uppity leftists and minorities to toe the line better and in the interim they’re pretty sure they’ll be fiiine.

    The reason I lose sleep over this sort of thing is I believe that once political power becomes decoupled from the consent of the governed, the rights and protections that arise in the constitution will become instead favors granted by an unaccountable power, contingent on whether or not they find you supplicant enough. Also we shouldn’t count on being able to vote our way out of a situation where the rules prevent voting from making a difference- should it come to that, it’s dark days friends

  • DNC never learned their lesson

    At this point I honestly think the lesson they’ve learned is that curb-stomping the progressives and daring them to stay at home gets us all 4 years of punishment under the GOP and in the next election they get 100% of what they wanted in the first place without any actual lefties having power.

    When you remember FDR, this is exactly what they did then- FDR, scion of privilege, ran on a progressive platform for an electorate thirsty for lefty policy. He surrounded himself with other left-leaning bluebloods interested in progressive politics but dead set against actual leftists gaining power. They doled out progressive policies as political favors but strictly kept the rabble out of actual power.

    Likewise, in the waning years of the Prussian Empire, Otto von Bismarck (a staunch monarchist, facing an uprising of social democracy politics he despised) famously undertook socialist-y policies like socialized medicine and old-age insurance/pensions to steal political support from the social democrats while keeping them strictly out of power.

  • Wilders is another Putin stooge capitalizing on how shitty everything is with immigrants and all that

    When you think about that even a little bit, Putin is responsible for a solid amount of the immigration crisis that has Europeans feeling like there’s too many immigrants (Syria, Ukraine, etc) and the answer must be less democracy and fewer human rights protections because if refugees don’t have human rights they don’t matter, right?

    It’s a bit like how the GOP uses its power to make life objectively worse for people in general, and then turns around and argues that it’s proof that democracy doesn’t work.