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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • I thought the main problem this bill was meant to address was that it was found there were tons of DoD funds being diverted into classified “UFO projects” which were then classified forever. The complete lack of accountability and obfuscation really means they could be channelling that money into literally anything. Someone in the department could be giving it all to their grandma and there would be zero paper trail or oversight.

    So it’s not exactly far removed from keeping the government in check. Downplaying it as “just silly UFO stuff” is exactly what they want here.

  • If nothing you do matters, then the only thing that matters is what you do.

    I do agree with this. However, voter apathy is literally doing nothing. If you are paying taxes, you are still contributing to and arguably passively supporting it.

    Actions I would think might matter are things like protest, campaigning for a third party against the thing you are against, running yourself, or retreating from this government’s rule.

    It could be argued that just by living in the country and not actively opposing the issue, then you are supporting it. Saying “I don’t support this thing so I didn’t vote for anyone”, then pay taxes to the government that does the thing and enjoy the rich society of the country that does the thing, you’re more actively participating in the thing than opposing it.