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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023

  • Well, yes. That’s all true. I don’t think Tuberville intended to fuck with readiness. or send such a message. rather… he would have greatly preffered to actually revoke said autonomy. In that goal, sending the message probably did far more harm… as did fucking with readiness. I suspect his motive was to assist Trump in overthrowing the military. Its feeble-minded to think that they could oust some officers, install their own fuckheads and the rest of the military would fall in line… but then, Trump and Tuber aren’t exactly the brightest potato-lamps. (sorry. couldn’t resist.)

  • Then again, he knows what’s what, and like (a) the mess he inherited from the previous occupant of the job took an enormous amount of effort to deal with, like basically ALL of the efforts, really, that were to spare (and things like the border crisis, huge spike in homelessness, greedflation, etc. continue onwards even now), and so (b) to have fought the good fight would have come at the cost of enormous political capital that would have prevented other things from happening.

    Enormous? I don’t think Manchin was all that expensive of lay.

    Abortion is the most prominent example of how Biden’s positions diverge from most his base… because most his base have sex. sorry to be so blunt. It’s not healthcare to his mindset because it’s not something he and his partner are likely to need any time soon. and likely the same for… every friend his age. To young twenty-somethings looking to establish themselves and not get burdened with the obscene costs of having a child… it’s far more than “just” healthcare.

    There’s other issues that his age puts him on the wrong side of- or could be conceived as such. the housing crisis, for example. in the short term (next decade,) the housing bubble is benefiting retirees resolving it means the prices come down… and houses represent a large (quite possibly the largest) chunk of their net worth. There’s also climate change, which… just isn’t an issue for him. he will not live to see the consequences of failing.

    and he is failing. Is he failing less badly than republicans? certainly. But if we don’t get our shit together in the next few years… the world is fucked. no that’s not right. The world is already fucked. we don’t get our shit together, the world is fucked to death. climate change is an existential crisis. Not in the “humanity will cease to exist” existential crisis. But in the “Society will fundamentally reshape itself” sort.

  • Even Biden has admitted recently there is in fact “probably 50 democrats who can beat trump”

    As for accuracy… it’s not that they’re necessarily inaccurate, it’s more a fundamentally flawed assumption on what the poll means… and who responded.

    The 38% of democrats in that poll that are unhappy with Biden , are never going for trump. We know they’re probably not gen z and millennials (who aren’t home to answer calls, and aren’t.

    While many- quite likely most will “fall in line” in November…. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a candidate not actually loathed by at least a 1/3 the base? Wouldn’t that be easier to win? Biden’s incumbency has more baggage than most

  • the gist is that if you want to just vote for a party, you can: if you simply put a 1 in a box, that party will assign your preferences (when you vote “below the line” - numbering every box in the order that you’d like - you have to fill out 150 numbers, making sure you don’t make a mistake)

    interesting. I… wonder how the system would resolve putting a ‘2’ in the box and then voting for somebody else as a 1, but otherwise party line. like the party-line vote is the failsafe, but I put my preferred 2 or 3 candidates in first.

    thank you for your input!

  • Parties almost never run primaries with an incumbent. It’s stupid as all hell to throw away a known quantity who already won.

    his current approval rating is something like 30%, across the board. only 61% of democrats say they approve, and that number is sinking lower. do you really call that “popular”? keep in mind the sheer number of individuals who, in modern politics do not actually have a party- many of whom still tend to be progressive anyhow.

    incumbents who are so weak as to let people think it’s a good idea to primary them… usually don’t do so hot in the regular election. Because. you know. They’re weak. Look at Ford vs Reagan, Carter Vs Kenedy (where carter won the primary and lost to Reagan.). H.W. vs Buchanan should be pretty useful here… H.W. won the primary, lost to Clinton. there’s a pretty clear pattern- even if the causes are less clear- of incumbents who get primaried loosing the regular election.

    which, it’s pretty stupid to run somebody whose known to be not particularly popular, too. Or. You know, Biden could do what he promised, step down after his first term. And then move to support and campaign for someone whose actually not smeared with the stink currently coming of Biden.

  • (should be noted, i’m australian so i have no power to do anything, and a lot of people will say i have no business making comments like this because im not american! however america has placed itself in a position of power on the global stage - the way yall vote effects everyone! its critical - GLOBALLY - that trump doesn’t win)

    have you guys installed RCV? I’d love to hear specifics about implementation. (The biggest resistance is “people won’t know how to vote”… because they’re sooooo good at voting now.) trying to convince the Lame Duck governor to go for broke on everything.