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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • I hate the use of the word “tolerant”; I don’t tolerate people of different races, religions, sexual orientations, etc., because there is nothing to tolerate. I just accept them.

    The people I tolerate are people who try to impose their religion by force, people who profit from hurting others, Nazis, terrorists, etc. I don’t tolerate them because I’m tolerant; I tolerate them because I have no choice in the matter. They exist no matter what I think of them. If I could banish them all to Siberia, I would.

  • I ended up using a combination of Obsidian sync and Google drive to do what I wanted, and it was much easier.

    I’m all for people using Syncthing in cases where it meets their needs, but when you’re mainly syncing notes, I think it’s overkill and doesn’t pull its weight in terms of its learning curve and the potential to screw things up with an incorrect configuration.

    Another issue I ran into was that the devices have to be awake at the same time to sync between them. Using a cloud based solution makes that problem go away. Syncthing might be worth it for me if I ever get around to setting up a Linux media server, but I’ve been resisting it because I don’t want another machine to maintain. I still can’t help but think of an old job I had where we were almost unable to do a big demo because it relied on a server at a coworker’s house that was accidentally unplugged.