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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • If complete mutually intelligible communication of complex ideas with another species is undeniably proven, that will be a massive boon for veganism(although of course not all animals are equal), and a legal quagmire. What do you do if they are suffering in ways that we can fix due to their environment? Like humans were, and then we changed our environment. Do you give whales weapons so they can defend themselves from orcas? Do you shoot whale pochers? Do you shoot orcas attacking whales? Do you farm krill for them to eat? Do you drastically alter the ocean surface to be more comfortable for whales?

    After all, most people recognize it as good to alter a person’s natural state(hunting and gathering from caves) for the better, so would that not be the same for animals that are considered essentially people or near-people?

  • supreme court rules against what would be the wish of the government

    Can you site an example of that? I mean where the supreme court rules that the legislature can’t do something that it tried to do. Not just the executive excercising power it doesn’t have. From my understanding, in the Canadian system the legislature effectively has absolute power as it is the directly elected body and meant to represent the will of the people.

  • I don’t see what minimum wage has to do with this when as you said, major low skill employers are paying almost double minimum wage.

    better wages will

    Well yeah all spending would go up if you paid people more. But the US is very good compared to other countries in pay, including countries with similar living expenses.

    Imo, the issue with EVs is price, but new ICE cars aren’t cheap either. But a ton(most?) people don’t buy new cars. My parent’s cars(ICE) are from 2005 and 2007, without having done major maintenance. Not only is there a lack of cheap used EVs on the market because they’re still new, but also people are reasonably worried about the longevity of the batteries- so would be hesitant to buy one.