• @Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    665 months ago

    I’m not saying this because she’s a MAGA supporter. But I do believe the woman is mentally unhinged and has lost her grasp of reality. It started long before Trump. Trump just made it worse because he gave her something to latch on to.

    • HubertManne
      225 months ago

      honestly trump is the same in some ways. trump, musk, roseanne all went off the deep end and taking folks with them.

      • @Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
        265 months ago

        The problem is that they’re all taking a lot of people with them, and those people are hellbent on dragging the rest of us down too.

  • @jordanlund@lemmy.worldM
    615 months ago

    “If we don’t stop these horrible communist—do you hear me?” Barr said. “I’m asking you to hear me.” She then started shouting: “Stalinist! Communists! With a huge helping of Nazi fascists thrown in! Plus one caliphate!”

    Throwing out a word salad hoping nobody actually knows what she’s talking about.

    Communism, generally, is opposed to religion. I don’t think they want the competition. ;) So the idea that “communists” want to replace one religious ethos with a muslim caliphate is patently nonsense from the get go.

    • @Son_of_dad@lemmy.world
      695 months ago

      “Nobody died in the Holocaust, either. That’s the truth. It should happen. Six million Jews should die right now ‘cause they cause all the problems in the world. But it never happened.”

      -Rosanne Barr

      She says this, while calling other people Nazis, how the fuck does that logic work?

      • @lemmylommy@lemmy.world
        275 months ago

        You, as a presumably sane person, expect words to mean things. Fascists don’t like that. They overwhelm people by repeating words ad nauseam until they no longer mean any thing, except a vague (usually negative) emotion.

        When they pour their insane word salad over their followers it is not even supposed to follow any logic or convey any thing. It is just a stream of emotions, giving them a high on fear and anger.

        The whole thing is about as logical, and as dangerous, as drugs.

        • @jjjalljs@ttrpg.network
          245 months ago

          Sartre had a quote about this! https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7870768-never-believe-that-anti-semites-are-completely-unaware-of-the-absurdity

          Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.

          Though I think Roseanne might be more stupid than nefarious, it’s basically the same.

      • ares35
        185 months ago

        there ain’t room for logic in their heads, not with all the lead and shit up there already.

      • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
        155 months ago

        How much longer are we going to allow this “free speech” that is just blatant lies and harmful. Like at one point speech stops being free, and thats when it is fucking harmful. I have a great uncle I would have met otherwise had the Nazis not been fucking around in Europe. We have a rapidly growing intellectual problem.

        • @Son_of_dad@lemmy.world
          155 months ago

          I’m Canadian and we have hate speech laws. You can say your backwards ass bullshit, but if you call for the death of people like she did in her comment, she would be charged.

          • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
            115 months ago

            You can write reasonable legislation that illegalizes calls for harm like her’s (“millions of jews should die”). Because this is just hate speech and misinformation. We can verify the Holocaust happened. If this people with influence want to run around saying it did not we should have legal recourse to shut them up and make them pay for damages. Now we have countless idiots idling around thinking the Holocaust was fake. Speech has consequences, it is mever truly free.

              • @JustZ@lemmy.world
                25 months ago

                The laws we have require an imminent threat against a specific person.

                We need new laws to tamp down the blatant lying.

                If like to see a law that everyone gets one official internet account and it’s tied to your real identity, and you can still post anonymously but anything posted anonymously has no username attached to it. Just “anonymous.”

                If you want likes or comments or followers, or if you want to have any kind of identity at all attached to your post, it must be your real identity.

                • @PRUSSIA_x86@lemmy.world
                  15 months ago

                  That’s a terrible idea from a privacy standpoint, not to mention that absolute nightmare of giving the government to authority to identify and prosecute liars, whomever they deem them to be.

    • @WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world
      235 months ago

      It’s a turning point fash rally. Nobody has any idea what they’re talking about except for a select few psychopaths grifting for profit.

    • @HikingVet@lemmy.ca
      115 months ago

      Not to mention the eventual fight between the communists and the Nazis. Or the fight between the Nazis and the Caliphate.

      Its like putting 3 cats in a burlap sack, spraying it with water and expecting no large reactions.

  • Dr. Dabbles
    485 months ago

    What I find most interesting about her is that my MAGA family loved her character on Rosanne the TV show. Then HATED her when she sang the national anthem and scratched herself like a baseball player. Now they love her again.

    None of this is supposed to make sense, it’s just supposed to make them feel good to have someone “rejected by Hollywood” saying the same idiotic shit they say. The fact they are responsible for her being “rejected by Hollywood” doesn’t even cross their minds.

    • @Asafum@feddit.nl
      5 months ago

      People create meaning in words. What she said was: BAD LIBERALS! LIBERALS BAD! BAD SCARY LIBERAL! LIBERAL LIBERAL BAD BAD! BAD SCARY!

      It still doesn’t make much sense, but they understand that message. I wonder what sleep aid she’s going to blame it on this time.

      Also, is this message highlighted in some gross brown/yellow to anyone else?

  • Magnor
    265 months ago

    So, I guess she isn’t getting better, is she ?

  • Jaysyn
    245 months ago

    LOL, is she going to blame that on Ambien as well?

  • @TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.world
    155 months ago

    It’s a pretty old grift to take a word and weaponize it just because the word has power already. Most people are stupid and it plays right into what they want to hear. They have no idea what the definitions are, nor do they care.

    The left have been calling them “low information voters”… Just call them what they are. Idiots that have the same voting power as everyone else. And no critical thinking skills to understand the world around them being shaped by their own actions.

    An uneducated populace deserves a fallen empire and that’s exactly what they’re going to get.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      65 months ago

      Idiots that have the same voting power as everyone else.

      Reminds me of a song:

      There’s no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated

      Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred

      Majority rule don’t work in mental institutions

    • @Bobmighty@lemmy.world
      35 months ago

      Polite folks might say low information voters. I just call em hick ass morons. The insult of hick seems to still land pretty well too.

  • Binthinkin
    155 months ago

    She’s the poster child for every white, light haired, dirt bag, self righteous, unhinged, bully aunt in everyone’s conservative family. Most of us want to give her a knuckle sandwich but can’t because she would probably eat it.

      • @GentlemanLoser@ttrpg.network
        65 months ago

        For real. Super disappointed. Roseanne was the first show to really show what an actual American family was like besides maybe All In the Family (which would never get made now, oddly enough!)

        • NoIWontPickaName
          65 months ago

          Because all in the family was representative of a time when open racism and domestic violence were so common that they could be used as punch lines on a prime time tv show?

            • NoIWontPickaName
              25 months ago

              Yeah, but it’s not common enough anymore to be so in your face, it looks like what it is a tv show made back in the day, reflecting the cultural zeitgeist.

              People are still struggling with the same issues now, but not to the same degree, we have made a lot of progress, and it just won’t hit the same.

              I miss the x-files, but people who didn’t trust the government or thought their might be shady coverups were anti-American and so it lost its popular appeal

              • @GentlemanLoser@ttrpg.network
                05 months ago

                Thanks for explaining. In a loose way we’re saying something similar - All In the Family doesn’t work anymore as a show. I think it absolutely highlighted the friction between conservative parents and their more progressive kids, but that friction hasn’t been resolved and it’s rubbed open a nasty national wound. And ain’t nobody living thru an apocalypse gonna watch a show about the end of the world.

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          35 months ago

          Plus it was one of the few portrayals of a working class family and their struggles. Here’s an article about it

          In the first season’s finale, Roseanne inspires her fellow workers to quit their jobs when a new supervisor raises quotas on production; she then jokingly compares herself to Sally Field’s character in Norma Rae. And a 1992 episode features a skeptical speech directed to a state representative who promises tax breaks for corporations as a way to revitalize the local economy. Audiences—and advertisers—took notice: The AFL-CIO aired a pro-union commercial featuring the famed labor activist Lech Walesa during a 1989 episode of the series.

  • theodewere
    5 months ago

    what comes out of Roseanne’s mouth has always been a real breath of fresh fart

    • @gravitas_deficiency@sh.itjust.works
      5 months ago

      It’s my firm opinion that a big part of the reason much of the LA area leans a good bit more to the right than you’d expect a diverse urban area to is because they were marinating the entire goddamn population in leaded gas fumes along with all the smog for like, half a century.

      Edit: for those not familiar with LA weather patterns: look up “inversion layer”. TL;DR: it basically traps tons of stagnant air (and any pollution) in the Los Angeles basin, and it’s a weather pattern that’s typically present in LA for about 2/3 of the year.

  • Talaraine
    45 months ago

    So is this a good entry point for reminding all these people that Putin = bad?