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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Part of me actually believes Trump wanted this scathing ruling.

    He knew from day one there was never a chance he was going to win this case on the merits, even on appeal. So as usual, his goal is to attack the process. He’s been flinging shit at the DA, the judge, the clerk, and anyone even remotely involved with the case to see who bites at it, and the Judge may very well have taken the bait here.

    The merits of the case no longer matter to Trump. So he wants the appeal to be all about the process, not the facts. He wants to show that Judge Engoron was “biased from the beginning”. He’s going to use Engoron’s ruling on appeal to say that it’s proof that the judge had it in for him from the beginning. He’s going to say that Engoron dismissed their testimony by implying they were paid off to commit perjury on the stand with no evidence. He’s going to say that subjective opinions cannot be lies. Whatever he can come up with. But the main point is that he’s hoping to get his case in front of conservative judges or even up to SCOTUS in hopes that the judges will ignore the merits of the case and instead focus on perceived bias.

    At the very least, he’s going to use the ruling on the campaign trail to shore up support among his base and drive campaign funding because he knows his base will eat it up and throw their money at him. And as a bonus, he’s probably hoping that someone actually follows through with a threat against Engoron and send a message to other judges and jurors, which has already proven to be an effective strategy for him.

  • Preppers think that stocking up and hoarding supplies will somehow make them a one-man army capable of taking on the world if society were to collapse into some Mad-Max hellscape.

    What they don’t realize is that stockpiling those supplies is just going to make them a target. And I don’t care who you are: If you make yourself that big of a target, people will come for your stuff. En masse. And I don’t care if you’re armed to the teeth Schwarzenegger style: You cannot survive a horde of people who have decided they want your stuff and are ready to kill you for it.

    All preppers are doing is organizing a nice pile of supplies for the first group of people to come around and decide that his house would make a good place to camp.

  • You know, even the most batfuck stupid conspiracy theories usually have at least some grain of truth to them, even in a “six degrees of separation” kind of way. At least you could trace the line of thinking back to its roots. But this?

    This barely even qualifies as a conspiracy. This is what a Walmart version of ChatGPT would come up with if you told it to come up with a conspiracy theory based on a random word salad that just happens to contain both the words “swift” and “trump”. There is no logic here. It doesn’t even make sense. It’s like trying to treat “Person woman man camera TV” as if it were a real sentence with meaning. It’s like saying “Penguins paint rocks because giraffes see in purple.” It’s a stream of consciousness from someone who hasn’t taken his meds today.

    This is just Trump and his team’s usual tactic of distorting the meaning of words in order to lessen their impact when they’re used against him. Ever notice how everything is an insurrection now? Everything is election interference. Every President gets impeached. That way, when those words are used to describe him, at least a percentage of people won’t look at it a major scandal surrounding a man engaged in criminal activity. They’ll look at it as just another wild conspiracy theory, just like all the others, and to be mentally dismissed just as quickly. And that’s the whole point. In his mind, his behavior doesn’t look so bad if “everyone is doing it.”

  • Trump just throws shit at the wall to see what sticks. If something he says doesn’t resonate, he just starts staying something else. If pushed back on something he said, it was just a joke and you’re being sensitive.

    The problem is the amount of shit that ends up sticking to the wall.

    It doesn’t matter how absurd the shit he says, he’ll suddenly tack on “everyone’s saying” or “you know it, I know it, everyone knows it” except the people you don’t like. They’re stopping you from it.

    It’s one of his many tells. When he uses phrases like that, that’s how you know he’s not only full of shit, but knows he’s full of shit. I’ve always wanted to play poker with the man; he’s so god damned stupid I could beat him holding the 2 of diamonds and a basic Forest from Magic: the Gathering.

  • Unfortunately, it may very well prove to be “truth” to enough people to get Trump re-elected. Remember, we’re now in an era where “Truth isn’t Truth” (Rudy Guiliani) and people are “entitled to their own ‘alternative facts’” (Kellyanne Conway). An era where personal grievances are valued over objective facts, and people will vote against their own best interests just for the possibility of hurting “them”. We are now living in an idiocracy.

    Here’s the problem. Donald Trump could say that Biden has monkeys flying out of his ass terrorizing Washington DC in search of bananas. Now, you and I both know that’s ridiculous and, in any sane world, should be ignored for the stupidity it is. But here’s the problem. You can say how stupid the idea is all you want, but if 51% of people you need to vote for you have serious concerns about monkey’s flying out of Biden’s ass, then he needs to either come up a plan to handle flying monkeys, or sit by the wayside as Trump gets re-elected because voters were too concerned over monkeys flying out of his ass.

  • This is not “news”, in that we don’t need an “ally” to confirm what we already know. Trump has bluntly said this many times himself: His second term is going to be all about consolidating power, installing authoritarianism, and revenge. He has openly said he is going to have people arrested, news networks shut down, etc.

    Identifying his motives isn’t the problem. Getting people to care is the problem. Worse, trying to overcome the “Yeah, we know, we want it that way” crowd that for some reason seems to be growing.

    Take a look at his rallies. It’s not even the usual MAGA signs any more. “Peace through strength.” I mean, if that isn’t directly taken straight out of 1984 or some authoritarian handbook somewhere, I don’t know what is.