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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023

  • It’s a pretty old grift to take a word and weaponize it just because the word has power already. Most people are stupid and it plays right into what they want to hear. They have no idea what the definitions are, nor do they care.

    The left have been calling them “low information voters”… Just call them what they are. Idiots that have the same voting power as everyone else. And no critical thinking skills to understand the world around them being shaped by their own actions.

    An uneducated populace deserves a fallen empire and that’s exactly what they’re going to get.

  • For anyone that still doesn’t know, this is already a thing for all US made (owned) hardware. Has been for 15 years+. This is expanding it to everything that would be sold on the market. You know phones are hotspots too… That’s right.

    You know why the US is so against Huawei? Because they CANT spy on every packet like they can with a Cisco, Juniper, Ruckus, etc switch. And when those start to be installed in scale, it’s a problem for the intelligence collection. This is just a small change to make what’s already there more palatable in stages. So that in another decade when things become declassified fully and more publisized, Americans don’t believe it is an issue.

  • So now she’s not crooked? Just an ordinary vanilla politician? Because yes. She is a vanilla boring politician. She is not corrupt like a Trump. She is not idiotic like a Dubya. She’s not a criminal like the majority of the cabinet positions from the 2016-2020 era of dystopia.

    But being a money hungry politician running for political office in an oligarchy. And since Citizens United, the US is one of the most corrupt oligarchies on the planet. It takes money to play and she knows what she has to do to get money to run and win a non-rigged election for even the highest office while giving some energy back to supporters way down the line that voted for her. This is American politics. And it’s disgusting.

  • In the before times you would go to a store and it was essentially a warehouse with a desk. You walk in and the dude behind the counter asked what you wanted and you gave him your list. He’d then rummage around the boxes and get you what you needed, you’d pay, and go. You didn’t pick, you just paid. You could even phone in your order and the store would hold for pickup or deliver cash on delivery with options and take back what you didn’t want.

    Moving to a self-pick model involved the risk of theft but most of the studies showed it was cheaper to eat some theft than to employ more pickers or have customers leave because of waiting. And that’s what happened. But theft has continued to rise to where now it’s no longer a viable tradeoff.

    Of course the recourse is back to company picking. And we now have reverted back to the old way except prepayment is required and some items can be returned… It’s annoying but I see the need.

    Having said that, if I’m in a store to self pick, if what I need is locked away I just leave anything else I collected there and walk out. I’m not dealing with that.