• @LEDZeppelin@lemmy.world
    1675 months ago

    Orange calls to extort foreign nation in exchange for election dirt on opponent: Republicans - “We don’t see noting but a perfect phone call”

    Joe Biden breaths: Republicans - “ImPEeEEeeEEEECh!!!”

    • @assembly@lemmy.world
      1085 months ago

      That would be voting but unfortunately the republican base doesn’t read big words or lacks reading comprehension skills so this will continue.

      • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
        535 months ago

        I guess nobody planned for a population that can’t think. “What if future leaders defund education to a point the populace is vulnerable? What if we extend this two or three more generations and the leaders themselves are vulnerable to foreign propaganda?”

          • PugJesus
            165 months ago

            "I am Emperor Ronald Reagan
            Born again, with fascist cravings
            Still, you made me president

            Human rights will soon go 'way
            I am now your Shah today
            Now I command all of you
            Now you’re gonna pray in school
            And I’ll make sure they’re Christian too"

        • @SatanicNotMessianic@lemmy.ml
          5 months ago

          So, a significant chunk of the founders were very skeptical of democracy and saw the risks of demagoguery. Their answer unfortunately tended to be to let the rich run things, because rich people (like themselves) would be more likely to be public minded and not selfish. That’s also, one might say, why the president has as much power as is allocated to that office independent of the legislature - initially, some wanted a king - and why the senate has more power than the house, and senators were not originally determined by popular election. The 17th amendment was passed in 1913.

          They made a few other mistakes, too. Although some people (notably including Washington) saw the threat of political parties (which might in fact be an inevitable aspect of democracy), they also thought that the self interest of office holders would be to their office - president vs house vs senate vs judiciary, federal vs state governments - and did not foresee that people would instead find their self interest in their party, which would coordinate across all of those boundaries.

          They also carried the enlightenment ideal of people being rational self interested actors who could deliberate and put aside self interest for the good of the country. Adam Smith himself said as much.

          It comes down to selfishness versus tribalism versus what David Singer calls the expanding circle of inclusion (family, tribe, city, nation, humanity, ecosystem).

        • @chakan2@lemmy.world
          115 months ago

          The founding fathers never conceived the complete lack of morals and character from a majority of the leaders of our country. I’m pretty sure they planned on a revolution long before we got to this point.

          • @Sanctus@lemmy.world
            95 months ago

            Apparently none of them studied Rome. As long as the average member of the populace has some form of comfort you can play orchestra pieces while burning the capital.

        • @halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world
          55 months ago

          I’ve been saying this for years.

          This government was setup with several base assumptions. One was a minimum level of societal expectation from those in power positions. And along that same expectation, only white male land owners would be able to vote. This meant that there was a base expectation that a voter had enough time to stay informed of current events, and to be educated about politics so they could have have an informed opinion worthy of a vote.

          We have removed many state nearly everyone has the right to vote and voice their desires and expectations, but nothing was done about the other side of this societal equation.

          Instead of only men with the available time and societal expectations to be actively political, stay educated, and up to date; now everyone has an equal chance to voice their opinion, whether or not they have any education about a topic, pay attention to politics at all, or even know how any of our government functions beyond filling out a bubble on a piece of paper next to a letter of the alphabet they believe they identify with. The barrier to entry for voting is essentially non-existent compared to what the system was originally designed with.

      • gregorum
        165 months ago

        They love this spiteful, kangaroo court bullshit, plus they’re convinced of the conspiracy theories because they believe that everyone is is shitty as they are in order to make themselves feel better.

      • @douglasg14b@lemmy.world
        45 months ago

        Not only will it continue but it will get worse every year. An intentionally failing education system which in many Republican states is purposefully undermined into not teaching critical thinking skills.

        New voters are more easily manipulated.

        It’s the alternate plot point of Idiocracy, happening, in real life, right before our eyes.

    • @jballs@sh.itjust.works
      345 months ago

      In a sane world, this would cost them elections. Unfortunately, they have their own media sphere, so half the voting pool eats this shit up.

    • andyburke
      45 months ago

      we do, they’re called elections.

      a third of the country wants this stuff.

      not enough everyday people turn out to vote to stop this.

    • @shalafi@lemmy.world
      345 months ago

      No need for reason or evidence or anything. Hell, we don’t even need a charge with any meat on it. None of that matters.

      All we care about is normalizing Presidential impeachments. That way we get to play whataboutism endlessly.

      Started with Clinton. Most of us thought it was all rather ridiculous, but they tried anyway. Here we are.

      • TechyDad
        165 months ago

        Exactly. Ideally, they would have wanted to have impeached Biden 3 times. This way, Trump could have said that he wasn’t impeached nearly as much as Biden.

        They failed at that, but Plan B is to impeach him once regardless of any evidence or any charges. Then, Trump can claim that impeachment is just a normal thing that opposing parties do and that it means nothing.

      • Alto
        5 months ago

        Y’know, like authoritarians. They do authoritarian things. Because they want a dictatorship.

    • @douglasg14b@lemmy.world
      95 months ago

      Doesn’t matter, it’s precedent that empowers them.

      It’s only a matter of time before Republican successfully impeach a democratic president simply for winning the vote. All it takes it them holding enough seats in the house and the Senate.

      What then?

      • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        45 months ago

        That’s pretty much what they are doing right now - trying to impeach for being a Democratic POTUS. Oh, and for hurting the fee fees of the cons for impeaching donnie for actual wrongdoing.

        This is why I say no Republican should be allowed into office. When it comes down to it, most of them will support this kind of thing, even if they are so-called “moderates”.

    • @Empricorn@feddit.nl
      25 months ago

      Uh, he’s a democrat, and this provides some cover for Trump’s historic 2 impeachments. So yes, Biden’s guilty of being politically-inconveniently innocent…

  • @Cruxifux@lemmy.world
    585 months ago

    They can’t seriously be trying to impeach over a families foreign assets and running Trump as their candidate at the same fucking time.

    • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
      135 months ago

      And “maga” is just recycled teabagger, which predates donnie diapers. These guys have been awful for a long time.

      • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        They weren’t even really that before the teabaggers came along. The “maga” thing is just recycled teabagger and teabagger was recycled hatriots of the 90s and the hatriots were recycling the Bircher bullshit and so on.

        Just like how they talk about “wokeness” - it’s the same tired stuff they said about “political correctness” in the 90s/00s.

        These people have been polishing the same turd for decades.

        • @brain_in_a_box@lemmy.ml
          25 months ago

          Yeah, exactly right. It’s frustrating to see so many liberals act like Trump was the start of Republicans being awful

          • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
            15 months ago

            Unfortunately, so much of this mythology is sustained by the bothsiderist “moderates” and the “liberal media”. They want a horse race and they want those eyeballs and clicks, even if literal fascists are put into the WH. They are only eyeing the next quarter’s profits.

  • @Pratai@lemmy.ca
    345 months ago

    Wasting taxpayer money on a pointless revenge plot. Typical wasteful conservative nonsense.

  • UristMcHolland
    235 months ago

    So what is the plan exactly?? Remove Joe Biden and then what? They really think they would be able to beat Kamala Harris AND per pick for VP?

    • @Asafum@feddit.nl
      305 months ago

      They don’t have the numbers in the Senate to do that anyway, it’s just childish revenge. That and they want to say “Democrats want to vote for impeached president Biden. They’re hypocritical communists!” during the election

      • @postmateDumbass@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Don’t forget all the wasted time that could be used for actual legislation.

        Instead we waste taxpayer money for an election flyer bullet point.

        Fiscal responsibility my cock.

    • @ReallyActuallyFrankenstein@lemmynsfw.com
      255 months ago

      This is entirely about removing Trump’s biggest weakness, which his impeachments.

      This is a nihilistic strategy, identifying words that can harm and systematically destroying the meaning those words. Trump was rightfully impeached for cause, but if Biden can just as easily be impeached with no cause, an impeachment ceases to be an objective badge of shame.

      Just like Trump didn’t originate “fake news.” It was a term used specifically to describe Trump’s lying, and Trump didn’t fight it, just destroyed its meaning.

      They are literally removing our ability to communicate their wrongdoing.

  • ᗪᗩᗰᑎ
    5 months ago

    To quote NOFX’s song The Idiots Are Taking Over

    There’s no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated

    Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred

    Majority rule don’t work in mental institutions

    • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
      125 months ago

      Well, we don’t even have majority rule. We have a system skewed to give Republicans more power than their numbers. The House radically over-represents the cons and their extreme right wing agenda. The EC puts in Republicans that the majority did not want.

    • The Assman
      45 months ago

      Friendly reminder that about half of eligible voters actually vote in presidential elections; less than half in midterm elections. People love to bitch and moan about our government, when half of them don’t bother to do anything about it.

      That last bit was less friendly but I’m very upset about this.

  • @yesman@lemmy.world
    155 months ago

    Joe Biden should declare Jonson’s Speakership as a donation to his reelection campaign. Two shutdown fights and a nakedly frivolous impeachment, and that’s just January and February of the election year.

  • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    155 months ago

    The weak and creepy weirdo Mike Johnson desperately needed some red meat for the unruly bunch he’s the supposed “leader” of.

    They were getting GRRRR MAD at him for working with Democrats (insert gasping and pearl-clutching here, as the cons view working with Democrats on something even as basic as keeping the government running as simply beyond the pale and worthy of excommunication. Only a total “RINO” and apostate like Liz Cheney would do such a thing!).

    So that’s probably why we are going to have this bullshit “investigation”.