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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • This depends greatly on circumstances. In many cases a 401k will be worth significantly more than the equivalent pension (in my father’s case, his pension buyout was worth double ten years later), and there’s no risk of bankruptcy rendering your 401k insolvent. Likewise, many jobs which would have never come with a pension have 401k matching these days.

    The downside is obviously that it rides the stock market, but you can make the argument that this actually makes the collective global economy our pension. It’s gives more people a stake in that stability and growth, for better or worse.

  • Yup. I was part of Verizon’s app development program and it was a fucking joke. Even if the dev tools and build chain wasn’t a complete mess, and even if the dev license wasn’t expensive, and even if it wasn’t almost impossible to even get test hardware… Even if you managed to build something more useful than snake, you’d still have to wait months and months and months for Verizon to sign your apps and then months more before they’d be available on any handset. I’m legitimately not sure it was even possible for a small dev to get anything approved.

    Open app stores were and still are amazing. I get that people want even more freedom, but coming from the trauma of feature phone development, I find it hard to get upset about this, especially considering Android makes it dead simple to sideload.