• Amoxtli@thelemmy.clubOP
      2 months ago

      When a country next door is being armed and trained by the enemy or a distrustful alliance led by the US, that is more than justification to preemptively use military action. The US would do exactly the same if Moscow or Beijing would try to put Mexico or Canada into military alliance. The US is arming Taiwanese against the Chinese. Treaties don’t matter to the US, and they go out the window when there is a threat.

      • CapeWearingAeroplane@sopuli.xyz
        2 months ago

        Of course they’re arming Taiwan: Did you see what happened to Hong Kong, after China had signed a deal with Britain to leave them alone? Just like Russia signed up to keep Ukraine safe when they have up their nukes… They’re going out of their way to make it clear that the only authoritarian facist you can trust to hold a deal is the one with a rifle down his throat.

        • Amoxtli@thelemmy.clubOP
          2 months ago

          Tell us, what did the evil Chinese do to Hong Kong? Please inform me. Hong Kong belongs to China, that is why the British gave it back to them. It is the British colonialism, the reason why Hong Kong was under British control. China does not take too kindly to Western imperialism by historical experience. You bet they are not giving up Taiwan to the United States.

          • Dkarma@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            West taiwan is under illegitimate rule tho.

            And Russia invaded Ukraine before USA got involved.

            In fact trump let them take crimea already so you’re pretty misinformed here.

            • Amoxtli@thelemmy.clubOP
              2 months ago

              Russia invaded after Ukrainian nationalist and US operatives, Victoria Nuland, and her associates were involved in a coup. This is a fact. We have a leaked recording of her and her colleague discussing which person they want to groom for public office in Ukraine. There is no denying that. The question is, how deep was the US involved in Ukraine? That, we don’t have hard evidence that is currently available for public and scholarly consumption.

            • Amoxtli@thelemmy.clubOP
              2 months ago

              Also, I don’t know why you involve Trump. Trump is a non-establishment candidate. He is not a warmonger. Joe Biden is a warmonger, and he was part of the team that was deeply involved in Ukraine. Crimea was lost under Obama, not Trump. Remember, Quid Pro Quo Joe, and “**** the EU” Victoria Nuland? Why would Victoria Nuland say “**** the EU”? If you could explain that part.

          • CapeWearingAeroplane@sopuli.xyz
            2 months ago

            If you didn’t notice the crackdowns in Hong Kong a couple years back, and haven’t noticed the stream of political refugees from Hong Kong afterwards, I can’t help you.

            China signed an agreement when the UK gave up Hong Kong, and they blatantly broke that agreement. There really aren’t that many complicating factors.

            • Amoxtli@thelemmy.clubOP
              2 months ago

              Hong Kong people did not want to be ruled by the CCP. There were no human rights abuses regarding the Hong Kong riots. Chinese handled the riots well and the riots subsided. There was no Chinese “crackdown”. What Americans are doing to anti-Israel protestors right now is far worse than what the Chinese supposedly did to the rioters in Hong Kong. You are clearly biased and have no interest in the facts. You are very one-sided; you are presenting speculation and even misinformation to give a false presentation of infallible Western countries. Hillary came up with a term regarding Tucker Carlson, the irony is that “term” is appropriate to people who believe, and follow Hillary Clinton, and the establishment she is a part of; yes, the Deep State is the establishment. Western governments looted Libya, war after war, lies after lies, and you imply I live in rock ignorant to the history of sins of the West. That false story does not work on me. I deal with facts, not hearsay, or semi-truths with great omissions.

              • CapeWearingAeroplane@sopuli.xyz
                2 months ago

                There was no Chinese “crackdown”

                Lol. You apparently do live under a rock… Like, have you actually spoken to anyone that was there? I have, and they’ve either experienced more or less severe police brutality and dissappearings, or claim that the Chinese government is full of saints that could never do harm. You know, if you don’t mistreat your population, you won’t have to spend resources on undercover out-of-country police stations, and on sending people to other countries to report on “disloyal citizens”.

                That could save you quite some resources in the long run, just a tip.

                • Amoxtli@thelemmy.clubOP
                  2 months ago

                  There are Westerners who live in China, and none of them think China is evil. In fact, I know somehow who lives in China and had positive things to say about China. The US is far more criminal than China such as supporting genocide in Gaza which makes no strategic sense to be part of a campaign as support to bomb civilians. US has no moral standing to object to anything it claims is wrong. A sovereign country that is not entangled in alliances and operates on its own interests, what country looks like that? China is an example. The US is scared of China because they are becoming big and powerful. It creates anxiety and paranoia. Russia was never a threat after the fall of the USSR. A threat does not retreat backwards without a single shot fired. The US was taking advantage of the opportunity to expand NATO against Russia, when it was made well known, that it does not find that acceptable.

                  • CapeWearingAeroplane@sopuli.xyz
                    2 months ago

                    Congrats on knowing a person that had something positive to say about China, that must make you proud!

                    It’s just laughable that you’re actually swallowing the Chinese propaganda that they want countries “internal affairs” to be left alone, when everybody can see how they’re treating the south-west pacific. China is a country with major imperialistic intentions, that believes they have the right to shove any smaller country in the region out of their way, and it’s obvious by their actions. Just look at recent events in the Philippine sea once you get out from under your rock.

                    Saying that Russia, the country that is actively engaged in a war of aggression that has killed hundreds of thousands of people, is “not a threat” is just so dumb it’s not even funny. Also, saying that they “retreated backwards”, when they weren’t even capable of sticking within their own borders is beyond stupid.

                    Point me to a Democratic NATO country that has expanded its borders by force after ascending to NATO, and I’ll give you permission to pat yourself on the back.

      • mojofrododojo@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        When a country next door is being armed and trained by the enemy or a distrustful alliance led by the US, that is more than justification to preemptively use military action.

        funny, that didn’t start until russia INVADED THEM.

        so great logic there.

        boy you just side with all the invading types don’t you? Ever make you wonder perhaps you have it wrong, if you’re attacking people for supporting Ukraine and Taiwan instead of Russia and China?

        guess putin pays you more.

        • Amoxtli@thelemmy.clubOP
          2 months ago

          Because the elites don’t want to be conquered by NATO via color revolutions and geostrategic advantage. Survival is rational. Ukrainians dying to the last man is not rational because they want to join NATO and the EU so bad. A next door country that is being militarized by a political alliance is more than enough justification to invade a neighboring country. NATO is a political alliance, it not a defensive alliance that it use to be when there was security competition between the USSR and the US. USSR collapsed because military control of an empire is expensive. Needing the military to have a presence to quell rebellion and maintain control is expensive. Ruling over people who don’t like you, doesn’t work in the long run. This is why the Russians gave up the business of imperialism over other countries/nations. Ukraine is a very big exception because of the history of Russia and Ukraine. Russian and Ukrainian history is intertwined. Crimea was won over by Catherine II the Great from the Ottomans. The Donbas has a lot of Russian history. The industry of the Donbas was developed from the years of Russian investment under the Soviet Union. New Russia would become part of Ukrainian Soviet Republic, which was incorporated by Russia in 1917. Then, the name New Russia was disused after incorporation. If you want to be a pendant of who has a great claim to the land, neither Russia nor Ukrainians have the greatest claim because it is conquered land by the Russians. That is like saying Texas, California, etc. does not belong to the United States, they belong to Mexico. What about Hawaii? What about Diego Garcia? The Russians don’t care about the Baltic States. Russians have no interest in Estonia or the rest of Europe. They gave that up in 1991. Ukraine, however, has a special place in the history and culture of Russia, not just geopolitical balance of power politics.

          • droopy4096@lemmy.ca
            2 months ago

            you’re either misguided or malicious. Have you been to Ukraine? Have you seen what Russia has done to Ukraine over decades? What “special link”? It is as special as link between Jack The Ripper and his victims. russia is very much interested in restoring empire that includes Baltic states and middle asia etc.

            russia had a chance at retaining Ukraine in it’s orbit prior to 2014. If they’d spent same amount of money they did on destabilisation of the country, on development instead, promoting Ukrainian culture etc. they could’ve had Ukraine forever. Honest. Before 2014 there was plenty of pro-russian sentiment in the country to pull it off as old crimes got forgotten and pain dulled. But from 2014 onward it became impossible.

            At present if russia wins, either retaining stolen territories or grabbing some more - it will create destabilized zone that nobody in Europe wants in their backyard. russia is not there on humanitarian mission, and itls been made clear - they are on extermination mission. Like they have been multiple times before.

            • Amoxtli@thelemmy.clubOP
              2 months ago

              You have no evidence to back up your claims, and let me debunk the claim that the US and NATO obey any semblance of rules. The 1991 agreement for the sovereign statehood of Ukraine was based on the condition that they remain a neutral country. When the EU and NATO came to town, they ignored that crucial portion of the conditions of Ukrainian statehood. You accuse me of soundbites and using propaganda, no sir, you are the one that was fed misinformation. NATO and Ukraine can break the rules, but Russia can’t alter their recognition of the rules that have been violated. You have been propagandized to believe Western countries are the good guys and the Russians, the Chinese, etc., are the bad guys. Your assumption is the West is infallible. You are wrong, sir. Let us examine how much you don’t know. Crimea does not belong to Ukraine. Crimea became independent before Ukrainian independence. It was in fact called the >Republic of Crimea. Let us review evidence, straight from Wikipedia: >With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Ukrainian independence in 1991 most of the peninsula was reorganized as the Republic of Crimea,[25][26] Pro-Russian and pro-autonomy forces dominated the republic’s government until it was forcibly abolished by Ukraine in 1995 with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea established firmly under Ukrainian authority.[27][28] A 1997 treaty partitioned the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, allowing Russia to continue basing its fleet in Sevastopol, with the lease extended in 2010. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimea

            • Amoxtli@thelemmy.clubOP
              2 months ago

              Ukraine isn’t eligible for EU and NATO membership. They don’t meet the criteria. What the US is doing is manipulating Ukrainian nationalism to fight a suicidal war against Russia, who does not want US influence and power next to its border. There is no way that Ukraine could be part of NATO. Ukraine couldn’t meet the harsh terms to be eligible. You can cry, whine, and yell all you want, but the fact is, Ukraine is destroyed, and whatever you think is an injustice, does not matter. You don’t get to decide what you want to do when a stronger country wants a certain amount of influence. Just like the US thinks it can command “sovereign” countries that they should not do business with Russia. The US thinks it can pressure China, or more like bully China to bend to its will, but establishment actors like Anthony Blinken don’t realize how insignificant he really is against Beijing. International relations are also about diplomacy. Something the US forgot a long time ago.