• Amoxtli@thelemmy.clubOP
    2 months ago

    You have no evidence to back up your claims, and let me debunk the claim that the US and NATO obey any semblance of rules. The 1991 agreement for the sovereign statehood of Ukraine was based on the condition that they remain a neutral country. When the EU and NATO came to town, they ignored that crucial portion of the conditions of Ukrainian statehood. You accuse me of soundbites and using propaganda, no sir, you are the one that was fed misinformation. NATO and Ukraine can break the rules, but Russia can’t alter their recognition of the rules that have been violated. You have been propagandized to believe Western countries are the good guys and the Russians, the Chinese, etc., are the bad guys. Your assumption is the West is infallible. You are wrong, sir. Let us examine how much you don’t know. Crimea does not belong to Ukraine. Crimea became independent before Ukrainian independence. It was in fact called the >Republic of Crimea. Let us review evidence, straight from Wikipedia: >With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Ukrainian independence in 1991 most of the peninsula was reorganized as the Republic of Crimea,[25][26] Pro-Russian and pro-autonomy forces dominated the republic’s government until it was forcibly abolished by Ukraine in 1995 with the Autonomous Republic of Crimea established firmly under Ukrainian authority.[27][28] A 1997 treaty partitioned the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, allowing Russia to continue basing its fleet in Sevastopol, with the lease extended in 2010. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimea