Donald Trump’s campaign spokesman defended Trump using “vermin” to describe his enemies, while historians compared his language to Hitler, Mousselini.

    265 months ago

    Interesting that people only now realise that he’s copying Hitler. MAGA already was a Nazi slogan.

      55 months ago

      My 80+ year old Grandma who lives in conservative land has been calling the Trump flags around ‘Nazi flags’ since 2016 ahah. The media constantly acts like this is all shocking instead of completely expected, I guess to justify their moniker of ‘news’.

        5 months ago

        She’s a smart woman it seems.

        It was always pretty blatant with the rage against antifacists. Hitler loved to discredit the press by calling them liers as well and did make ‘intellectuals’ the enemy. I think ‘woke’ is just another word for it.

  • Zippit
    255 months ago

    I’m so tired of this POS getting attention again. And I’m not even American. The amount of stress he causes me… Please let this end…

      -455 months ago

      I completely agree. He like a toddler, maybe we just suck it up for 4 more years to give him what he wants and then he can disappear forever.

      • Zippit
        5 months ago

        No! I don’t agree with Biden’s policy about Gaza and I want to punish him by pushing people not to vote for him or Trump. But it’s so wrong when this buffoon comes into power again. So I’ll bite my tongue and say the other party is worse. Even if that’s NOT the way to vote and it really diminishes minorities and representation.

        His fascism blew over to some/most European countries and that’s soooo bad. I even read some posts in Belgium about putting Muslims in camps ‘for their own safety’ because this POC made it normal for all the basement racists to come out of hiding. Just no…

        I just want him to die or disappear. Just vote him out so we can get back to real politics and what’s really important instead of this shit show. After you vote him out, THEN put pressure on Biden/Democrats to do better. It will be too late for Gazan children that are dying and dead tough…

        35 months ago

        I completely agree. He like a toddler, maybe we just suck it up for 4 more years to give him what he wants and then he can disappear forever.

        Lol, the new repub strategy, folks. “Just let the illiterate brats have what they want”.

      105 months ago

      especially lately I havnt even seen a picture he doesn’t look like a hateful angry maniac. how can someone like that be.considered for leadership. insane

      65 months ago

      I know this is not really the point of the thought experiment, but I would like to point out that if time travel did exist, our current timeline as we have already experienced it, would be the result of time travel. Our timeline would in fact be, the best version that could be produced by such technology and/or we have particularly inept time travelers.

        25 months ago

        Time travel can only create branching timelines by changing the past without creating a paradox. So the time travellers who killed Hitler may have succeeded, just not in this timeline (if this timeline is even one where time travel will be invented one day).

          15 months ago

          If time travel did exist, it seems unlikely that we would be in the ‘prime universe’ with no time travelers. That would be one out of 2^n timelines where n is the number of time travelers. Assuming each time travel splits all parallel timelines and not just the original.

        25 months ago

        *Will have had already happened.

        The timeline still needs to run up to the point of time travel being invented. We could be in the first run.

  • TechyDad
    125 months ago

    Steven Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesperson, responded to the backlash by calling critics “snowflakes” and promising that “their existence will be crushed” by Trump. In a statement to The Washington Post, Cheung said: “Those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.”

    Cheung later clarified to The Post that he meant to say their “sad, miserable existence” rather than their “entire existence.”

    Oh, that’s much better. Thanks for the clarification!

    In all seriousness, though, it’s never a good sign when the clarification of a candidate going Hitler is to double down on the Hitler. There are going to be scary times ahead if Trump is allowed anywhere near the White House again.

      75 months ago

      He did the same thing in 2016, clear use of what seemed to be at least Nazi adjacent propaganda, and he doubled down on it, got elected, are people still doubting he literally supports neo-Nazis?

      25 months ago

      It’s weird. No one ever said “Bush Derangement Syndrome” or “Nixon Derangement Syndrome” or “Reagan Derangement Syndrome”. And those guys really fucked around with the country. Maybe, if everyone seems to have “Trump Derangement Syndrome” there’s a realllllllly good reason?

      • TechyDad
        55 months ago

        And we didn’t even say that the right had “Obama Derangement Syndrome” even though they were clearly deranged by a black guy being in the Oval Office.

        Heck, Obama has been out of office for almost 7 years now (this January) and the right STILL brings up Obama.

    5 months ago

    It’s so wild to me that the Trump experiment has gone on as long as it has. He’s broken politics in this country. The GOP at least will never be the same. We let a rich yuppie real estate guy from New York city completely monopolize political power. As much as I can’t stand the guy, I have to accept that almost half the country sees something else entirely. He speaks to something that people are desperate for in this country, Democrats would do well to figure out why that is instead of dismissing this guy like they have done.

      35 months ago

      That is because you defended free speech for Nazis and shot down any talk of reversing the Telecommunications Act or regulating their fascist talk shows. Way to preserve democracy there, folks

    75 months ago

    Hey guys you gotta defend free soeech rights for Nazis if you want to “preserve democracy” because if you dont then they might suppress your rights if they gain power…but they totally wont suppress your rights if you dont suppress theirs because they’re a fair people

    55 months ago

    Of course they did would anyone expect different? He’s a fascist and knows he can get away with it. Backing down would be worse PR for him he isn’t trying to please the kind of people who take offense to dehumanizing minorities.