• 73 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: September 2nd, 2023


  • The whole argument is that Meta will do whatever they want with their implementation of Activity Pub and lacks any further details. Blast radius of what? How does that affect existing Mastodon instances? Do they lose anything compared to what they have now?

    Threads doesn’t need Mastodon users because it has orders of magnitude more already. Mastodon has unique competitive advantage, for example no ads, that could compel Threads users to switch with little friction. It might turn out that Threads will offer things Mastodon won’t on principle (follower and notification management for huge accounts) which might actually make whole ecosystem more healthy and diverse.

    Really, it’s best to see what’s going to happen. I’m optimistic because I think open alternatives are generally better and will win long term.

  • I’m well entrenched in Apple ecosystem, to the point I hate their guts and their “reset will fix everything” mantra.

    Story time.

    Lost one of the earphones in my APP2. Went to my local authorized service center to get a replacement since according to Apple they’re the only ones that are able to put it into the case. Alright, I guess you need to order replacement part so that doesn’t matter.

    Couple of days later I pick them up, lady at the counter says to reset them when I’m home. Weird, they could do it themselves, I thought, but had little time to get into that debate. I come home, do the reset procedure, and nothing, keep getting earphone mismatch error. I read up on the internet that it could be mismatched firmware and on advanced gymnastics required to get it fixed, which brings me nowhere after trying for multiple hours.

    I return AirPods to the service center and say - you did the service, you fix it. Week later I’m asked to pick them up, get them, return home and… it’s the same as before. I return them again, tell them not to call me until they make sure everything works, they take them in, call me couple of days later and this time I check them at the counter - and it’s the same fucking thing again.

    In the end they replaced both earphones for free while out of warranty but I lost so much time I’m seriously pissed with Apple still.