Queen HawlSera

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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I actually agree with him to an extent, I can agree with his thesis statement but not his conclusion.

    See he believes that black men are inherently inferior and Obama proved this by being a terrible leader and an alleged racebaiter.

    I believe that Obama was a pretty average leader all things considered, but his election did indeed bring race relations back a few decades.

    See all the bigots were quier because they knew everyone was equal on paper, but there was a silent “off the record” agreement that the “lesser races” wouldn’t venture too far out of their reign…

    A nonwhite entering the highest office in the allegedly free world, and one with a blatantly nonwhite sounding name was a “violation of the silent agreement” and thus the bigots no longer “kept their end of the bargain” and in doing so indulged in their prejudices.