• @kautau@lemmy.world
    536 months ago

    Way more likely is he has donations coming from Florida’s livestock industry, and is using “woke” to get his voters to agree so they can feel they are winning the “us vs them” game while his donations keep flowing and lab grown meat doesn’t hit shelves.

        • @frezik@midwest.social
          26 months ago

          Goddam. That state is basically a swamp, and someone decided it’s a good idea for humans to live there and raise cows.

      • Yeah, and it’s a big part of the states history. Florida Crackers are a part of that. There’s a cow on the city of Kissimmee seal too, lol. I grew up in Kissimmee, a suburb of Orlando (it’s a suburb, fight me) and there was a cow pasture behind the house, I have childhood memories of kids cutting the fence and that cattle occasionally wandering in the backyard, and one time my mom getting chased back to the house by a cow after she tried to chase it out of the yard.