• @Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
    1675 months ago

    Why don’t we just ban conservatives instead?

    It’s not against any law to discriminate based on political affiliation. Refusing to do business with conservatives is legal and moral. Continuing to treat fascists and bigots as normal members of our community only normalizes fascism and bigotry.

    • @dhork@lemmy.world
      405 months ago

      We can just ban lab-grown thought. Humans should not get their thoughts from think tanks!

    • @trackcharlie@lemmynsfw.com
      35 months ago

      You have to apply that standard to everyone though, no one person or group gets a pass because of who or what they are, everyone should be expected to meet the same minimum standard of not being a dumb incompetent religious asshole.

  • Admiral Patrick
    5 months ago

    The article has the who, what, when, where, but not the ever important why.

    Florida House Republican Ryler Sirois introduced…

    Ah. There it is. I guess I’m to assume lab grown meat is somehow “woke” (or something of equal or greater bullshit)?

    • Rottcodd
      915 months ago

      The “why” is certainly that someone in the state beef industry gave him a pile of money.

      • @Wes_Dev@lemmy.ml
        205 months ago

        It’s this political cycle’s go-to boogyman word.

        I would love someone to use it in front of me as a pejorative just so I can ask what it means and watch them squirm.

        • Admiral Patrick
          155 months ago

          I’ve done that. Twice.

          Both times they just dodged a direct answer and just started naming off stuff they didn’t like.

        • @Wodge@lemmy.world
          95 months ago

          I’ve had this happen, went with “woke? you mean understanding that there is injustice in the world, and we should probably fix that, whats wrong with that?”

          Didn’t say anything after that. Don’t mess with my happy when i’m on my honeymoon ffs!

    • @kautau@lemmy.world
      535 months ago

      Way more likely is he has donations coming from Florida’s livestock industry, and is using “woke” to get his voters to agree so they can feel they are winning the “us vs them” game while his donations keep flowing and lab grown meat doesn’t hit shelves.

          • @frezik@midwest.social
            25 months ago

            Goddam. That state is basically a swamp, and someone decided it’s a good idea for humans to live there and raise cows.

        • Yeah, and it’s a big part of the states history. Florida Crackers are a part of that. There’s a cow on the city of Kissimmee seal too, lol. I grew up in Kissimmee, a suburb of Orlando (it’s a suburb, fight me) and there was a cow pasture behind the house, I have childhood memories of kids cutting the fence and that cattle occasionally wandering in the backyard, and one time my mom getting chased back to the house by a cow after she tried to chase it out of the yard.

    • IHeartBadCode
      255 months ago

      Actually it looks to be a regulatory grab.

      The legislation mandates that any entity looking to sell lab-grown meat in the state must obtain future authorization from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, allowing the department to adopt rules governing the use of lab-grown meat in the state.

      Likely they want to pose a different tax on lab meat than other meat. Doing so usually is to provide a method to pander to farmer votes later on down the road. It’s like the reason things like corn subsidies seem to just never go away.

      So this just looks like the person is creating a new card for the deck of cards to be played during elections. But I guess “woke” can be in there too if that plays well to his base.

      • @Asafum@feddit.nl
        5 months ago

        Hey guys ready for an “old” Republican talking point?

        “We don’t pick winners and losers!” “The liberals want to pick who does well and who fails!”

        Yeah, just like 99.9% of what they say, it’s all bullshit meant to serve their immediate purposes (bashing the left) and then tossed away when it would impede their desired outcome.

        • prole
          25 months ago

          Not just bullshit, but also complete projection on their part.

    • Goku
      155 months ago

      The meat is grown in a lab. Vaccines are from labs. Therefore lab grown meat is bad.

      • TechyDad
        95 months ago

        Plus, do you know who wins hangs around labs? SCIENTISTS!!!

        Now, if this was church grown meat…

    • @qwertyqwertyqwerty@lemmy.one
      5 months ago

      The article has the who, what, when, where, but not the ever important why.

      Florida House Republican Ryler Sirois introduced…

      Ah. Assuming lab grown meat is somehow “woke”?

      Does FL have a large cattle market that I am unaware of? That’s the only reason I can think to ban lab-grown meat. It’s a win for almost every other conceivable stakeholder.

      • @orclev@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        Actually yes. Florida has a very large cattle market, one of the largest in the US (I don’t believe it is the largest, but it’s certainly one of the bigger ones).

        Edit: just looked up the most recent stats and the Florida cattle market is smaller than I thought, but still sizeable. It’s currently sitting at about the 14th largest in the US and makes up about 2% of the entire US market.

      • ElleChaise
        35 months ago

        They mostly farm old Yankees, but yes there is a massive meat industry presence in Florida.

    • @Empricorn@feddit.nl
      25 months ago

      Lab-grown meat is better for the environment, therefore Republicans have to oppose it. Better to leave your grandchildren a pollution-ravaged used-up planet than to risk being seen as “woke”!

    • Sirico
      35 months ago

      Well now they have friends who like to make money murdering cows what you expect us to progress past that?

  • @intensely_human@lemm.ee
    505 months ago

    This is an example of why I call myself conservative, but would never vote Republican.

    Today’s republicans aren’t conservatives.

    • @MinusPi@yiffit.net
      265 months ago

      If you don’t mind me asking, what positions do you hold as a conservative that are different from modern Republicans?

      • @intensely_human@lemm.ee
        195 months ago
        • You shouldn’t ban particular speech or books
        • Gay people should be able to marry
        • You shouldn’t ban factory farmed meat
        • You shouldn’t ban abortions
        • You shouldn’t dump trillions of new dollars into the economy and forcibly shut down every business in America
        • Saudi Arabia is a rights-violating shithole that we should not interact with even if it seems profitable in the near term
        • An adult human should have the right to ingest any drug they want

        Those are positions I consider conservative, and hold myself, that aren’t reflected in current Republican policy.

        • @yata@sh.itjust.works
          5 months ago

          Those are positions I consider conservative, and hold myself, that aren’t reflected in current Republican policy.

          None of those are specific to conservatism, and I would say some of the opposites of those position, like opposition to gay marriage and abortion, has historically always been part of conservatism.

          More interestingly would be to learn what specific conservative policies you subscribe to. Policies which you don’t think exists in other ideologies.

          • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
            115 months ago

            like opposition to gay marriage and abortion, has historically always been part of conservatism

            Speaking for the poster, probably incorrectly, but while I consider myself liberal, and have long been a support of gay rights and marriage, I always laughed when I was defending it (like early 2000) because I was always making the conservative argument that the government shouldn’t be regulating which two consenting adults can join a contract with each other.

            Classically speaking, it’s a politically conservative position. It’s just that republicans, who pretend to be conservatives, also tend to be religious and let those beliefs often influence what they claim is the conservative position.

            But the state staying out of who gets married is, no doubt, an actual politically conservative position.

            • @FishFace@lemmy.world
              15 months ago

              Conservatism is essentially about keeping things the way they are or restoring things to the way they were believed to have been in the past.

              So rights and liberties that people have enjoyed for a long time will be defended by conservatives; rights and liberties that are only newly gained will be opposed by conservatives. New technologies may well be seen with suspicion due to what they threaten to disrupt: the status quo in America is that there’s lots of cattle farming and if lab-grown meat makes the farming of real cattle unprofitable and leads to many cattle farmers losing their jobs, a conservatives focus will be on the job losses and instability, not on the opportunities to produce meat more efficiently, ecologically and without cruelty.

        • Doc Avid Mornington
          125 months ago

          All of these are classically liberal positions, and most of them are compatible with progressivism, and with socialism. Admittedly, since liberalism is the foundation of the USA, and the global norm today, classical liberalism is technically a conservative perspective, now, but it really isn’t what most people have meant by “conservative” for the last hundred years or so.

        • @intensely_human@lemm.ee
          35 months ago

          I just realized I wrote “factory-farmed meat” rather than “lab-cultured meat”. I meant lab-cultured meat.

          Factory farmed meat should maybe be banned, but if it happens it should be on the basis of adopting animals rights into the constitution then banning it on that basis. I don’t think one-off legislation is the right way to do such things.

          • prole
            25 months ago

            If the meat is grown in a lab, no animals or their rights are disturbed. That’s the point. They’re not growing brains. They’re not going to gain sentience. It’s just flesh.

        • @lemmyseikai@lemmy.world
          35 months ago

          Not to put words in your mouth but your position seems to make sure we pump the brakes on progressive policy rather than stifle it.

          Which line up with how Jeff Flake presents how the Republican Party should act as conservatives in his book.

          • prole
            15 months ago

            That’s what bureaucracy is for.

      • @JethPeter@aussie.zone
        15 months ago

        For me political conservatives recognise the value of many of our establishments and don’t want to see radical, untested, change risk what we have.

        Progressives want to see us improve our systems, institutions, and cultural norms. Laudable goals, however the goals and implementation approaches can produce results that diminish, rather than enhance, what we already have.

        Socially conservative values, to me, are another kettle of fish. I know socially progressive conservatives and socially regressive progressives.

        Libertarianism is also a separate, cross over, category for me. How power is shared between individuals and government is a critical foundation for how we function and can once again be adopted by politically conservative or progressive ideas.


        Not American, Libertarian leaning Socially progressive Somewhere between a political conservative and a political progressive

    • @mibo80@lemm.ee
      175 months ago

      Idk, restricting access to anything is “conservative” in practice and at the heart. Conserving is the main action a ‘conservative’ must practice. Don’t eat too much food. Don’t drink too much alcohol (if any). Don’t have too much sex. i.e. conserve your wants and needs so as to… well, at this point they impart religious contexts to justify why it will be worth it to deny yourself in the end.

      If I were a conservative though, the part that would piss me off is when I find out my so-called “leaders” are engaging in the same loose activities I’ve been lead to feel guilty for having thought of and brother, that’s A LOT of conservatives. In just politics it’s almost always republicans, and in the church, it’s almost always the pastors/leadership. You conservatives have a lot of reconciliation to do if you ever expect to win an election fairly.

      • @JethPeter@aussie.zone
        75 months ago

        Conserving doesn’t mean reducing, it means protecting what already exists. Restricting access to birth control, for example, I would not call politically conservative.

        Republicans have, at different points in time, been fairly forward leaning in their own way. Have a google of progressive policies implemented by republicans.

        Social conservatism is more akin to what you are describing rather than the conservative political movement (and has a large section of the republicans in its sway at the moment). The thing they are trying to protect is their own personal moral view of the world and in so doing they are willing to not conserve the current political system to achieve this goal.

      • Prethoryn Overmind
        5 months ago

        I hate to tell you friend. You aren’t conservative and that is okay. The other side is really not all that bad.

        So welcome.

      • @intensely_human@lemm.ee
        -55 months ago

        It’s conservative in terms of government power.

        Like putting a conservative amount of jelly on your toast means a small amount. Putting a liberal amount of jelly on your toast means a large amount.

        The terms conservative and liberal refer to how much government jelly you’re putting on the toast of society.

        Someone who seeks to conserve things is a conservationist.

        • @Cowbee@lemm.ee
          45 months ago

          No, this is quite wrong.

          Conservatives wish to maintain the status quo and pull back changes made to the status quo.

          Liberalism is an ideology of free-market Capitalism and personal liberty.

          Neither directly cares about the size of government as long as it stays within those boundaries.

          • @Socsa@sh.itjust.works
            15 months ago

            Liberalism is the ideology of personal liberty, from which capitalist-like principles emerge (eg private property rights). It’s a small distinction but an important one in my opinion. Enlightenment philosophers didn’t set out to enslave humanity under the thumb of capitalism - they set out to create an idealistic ethic around the rights of the individual and accidentally created a new form of economic feudalism.

            • @Cowbee@lemm.ee
              15 months ago

              Sure! They were wrong, of course, but that’s why I mentioned that it’s centered on personal liberty with the principles of Capitalism.

        • @yata@sh.itjust.works
          5 months ago

          Yeah but “putting a conservative amount of jelly on your toast” has nothing to do with being a conservationist, because “a conservative amount of government” isn’t what exist or has historically existed.

          I think your analogy is fundamentally flawed, because just because the words (“conservative amount of jelly” and “being a political conservative”) are same, they don’t have anything else in common.

          It is like when Republicans claim that the US isn’t a democracy, because they are afraid it means support for the Democrats. Two different words with different meanings.

        • @lntl@lemmy.ml
          -15 months ago

          i had to scroll pretty far to find someone who actually knew what conservative meant. And only to find you’re downvoted!

          lol i hope people don’t vote like this irl or democracy is doomed

  • @Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    435 months ago

    This shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody.

    A liberal probably told him that lab-grown meat is a thing. And since it’s something that a liberal supports, GOP dogma dictates that they must act as if it is a scourge that is ushering in the end of the world and must be immediately eradicated from existence. Doesn’t matter what it is. If there is a single liberal anywhere in the country that supports it, the GOP must not only be against it by default, they must also launch a crusade against it.

      • @Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
        65 months ago

        You know, I’m a big supporter of the benefits of consuming dihydrogen monoxide. Several times a day, in fact. Not only do I believe that dihydrogen monoxide is beneficial, I believe that everybody should be drinking several servings per day. Has anyone checked to see what the GOP’s position on dihydrogen monoxide is?

    • @jonne@infosec.pub
      85 months ago

      I mean, it’s probably even simpler than that. Some cattle rancher donated $1000 to him, and that buys you a law that protects you from competition.

    • @Wogi@lemmy.world
      45 months ago

      I would expect to see this kind of thing pop up in states that depend on cattle. Florida has less than a million cattle in the state at any given time. There are 95 million cattle nationwide. The top 5 states all have more than five million cattle each. Nebraska, for instance, 4 of the top 5 exports are directly tied to cattle, and two of them are beef. The 5th is nuclear reactors, apparently.

    • @Pyr_Pressure@lemmy.ca
      25 months ago

      Well, also ranchers tend to be republican and lab grown meat has the potential to end the ranching industry one day. Don’t know if ranching Is big in Florida though, I would maybe have expected a ban like this in Montana or Texas though.

  • @lntl@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    anybody read it? On what grounds is FLA stifling innovation and entrepreneurship?

    EDIT: I read it, doesn’t say why.

  • @Wes_Dev@lemmy.ml
    355 months ago

    As a pescatarian, I would 100% be fine with eating non-fish meat if it was lab grown and not farmed.

    This shit should be a revolution, not banned. Save animals and have cruelty free meat. Win-win

    • @Not_mikey@lemmy.world
      65 months ago

      Sorry to burst your bubble but it’s decades away if it’s even possible. The current process involves putting animal cells in a bioreactor(vat) with nutrients and having them propagate. It’s hitting hard limits on scaling though because the larger the vat the harder it is to get waste out and nutrients in without some sort of vascular system. Even if it did scale it’s not producing steaks or even meat chunks, it’s just making meat cell slurry that’s mixed with a bunch of other stuff to make something like beyond burger but with some actual “cow” cells for probably 3 times the price.

      It took evolution billions of years to efficiently make complex multicellular structures, humans are a long way off.

  • originalucifer
    205 months ago

    hmmm meat shortage… extra conservatives… meat shortage… extra conservatives…

    i think i want my burger red on the inside

  • InLikeClint
    5 months ago

    Man, Florida used to be your cool careless cousin. Now we’re your crazy, racist, alcoholic, Faux news watching uncle. SMH