• NoIWontPickaName
    -455 months ago

    He is still sending weapons to Israel. Run a non genocidal candidate if you want my help.

    Otherwise you will get nothing from me.

    • @surewhynotlem@lemmy.world
      285 months ago

      Oh yes. Trump will certainly not continue that.

      At some point you just have to accept that this will happen and you can’t change it. From that point, pick your best future.

      • NoIWontPickaName
        -135 months ago

        I pick the one that will let me sleep best at night, and knowing I didn’t support genocide will let me sleep great.

        • @paintbucketholder@lemmy.world
          55 months ago

          It really depends on what a Trump reign will look like, right?

          Will he be able to round up tens of millions of people and deport them, as he has promised? Will he institute another Muslim ban, as he has promised? Will he stay in office after his next four year term, as he has said he wants to? Will he use the office of the president to persecute political opponents, as he has promised? Will he “root out” all the “vermin” in the United States, as he had promised? And if yes: who will get declared to be “vermin?” How will they be “rooted out?” Will he make torture legal, as he promised? Will he bring back family separation and child detention camps? Will he threaten nuclear war again? And if yes, will some crazy regime take him up on the offer?

          And if all of that or even just a fraction of that comes to pass, will you still sleep well, knowing that you might have been able to stop all of that but voting for the lesser of two evils was just beneath you?

          Because ultimately, that’s the decision you’re making.

          • NoIWontPickaName
            -35 months ago

            Yep! People like to try and pretend you can not be neutral but unless I am voting FOR trump then I am not canceling out someone else’s vote.

            I won’t help you guys re-elect a genocide supporting president either way.

            We keep talking about Israel is not doing enough to stop civilians and wringing our hand while on our knees sucking Netanyahu’s dick and just begging him not to cum on our face because we need to look presentable.

            They openly killed journalists, on video, with physical and forensic evidence, right after the journalists switched from recording the Lebanese side to the Israeli side.

            While clearly marked as being press.

            Defend that, also I am still waiting for those beheaded babies that the IDF used to rile everyone up with.

            You know, the one the president you want me to support said he saw and then had to walk back later.

            • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
              35 months ago

              People like to try and pretend you can not be neutral

              Refusing to participate doesn’t make you neutral. It makes you complacent.

              Are you okay with countries that see what’s happening in Gaza and do nothing so that they don’t have to get involved?

              • NoIWontPickaName
                -15 months ago

                I can support the countries that are not actively supporting genocide.

                Btw bad example, as far as I can tell, only the us is actively supporting genocidal actions, but I will reject anyone who is doing so.

                I would much rather them do nothing instead of supporting Israel.

                Don’t get me twisted, when 10/7 happened I completely supported them and felt grief for them and their suffering, then they decided to kill a bunch of kids.

                Do you support killing innocent children as well?

                • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
                  25 months ago

                  Do you support killing innocent children as well?

                  Oh I’m staying neutral on this by not picking a side. That’s a completely acceptable course of action right?

                  • NoIWontPickaName
                    -25 months ago

                    Yes it is!

                    Good job you’re learning.

                    Personally I disagree with you on the importance of not killing children, but you are free to have your own opinions.

    • @TheDoozer@lemmy.world
      155 months ago

      That’s a pretty juvenile take. Not voting doesn’t mean you disapprove of both candidates. It means they are both equal (equally good or equally bad) to you.

      And if you think the two are equal because of one thing that they agree on (as bad as that thing is), you mean all the things they disagree on don’t matter (like peaceful transfer of power, lgbtq rights, fascism). And even on that one thing, the two have very different approaches, and one is far more inclined to change position in the future. But apparently that wouldn’t matter either, because they are both equal right now, because they both support Israel right now.

      • NoIWontPickaName
        -145 months ago

        So they both support a genocide, seems like a grand reason to vote for neither.

        You don’t get a pity vote for not being as bad as the other guy it just means I won’t vote for him either.

        • @MegaUltraChicken@lemmy.world
          75 months ago

          And in a first past the post voting system, like the one we have, your lack of voting mathematically increases the chances of Trump winning. That’s a fact. You are voting for Trump, even if you say you’re not. I’m sure you’ll sleep fine at night, but all the harm he causes will be because you died on a hill that didn’t even mean anything.

          • NoIWontPickaName
            -55 months ago

            No friend I am voting for no one. You can try and twist it however you want, but they’re 3 options -1, 0, and +1.

            At this point, I am choosing 0, I could pick -1 by voting for trump.

            I might as well by your logic, right?

            My not voting is the same as just adding to his total and doesn’t cancel one of someone else’s vote for Biden, right?

            Idc what the rest of you do, I will not vote for someone who actively supports genocidal actions.

        • Flying SquidOP
          -25 months ago

          Why bother voting at all? What changes if you vote for a third option?

      • NoIWontPickaName
        -115 months ago

        Ok, better to lose than to directly and unequivocally support genocide.

        Did not everyone say it would be better for a Russian soldier to go to jail or just kill themselves instead of fighting Ukrainians?

        Why should they kill themselves and the rest of us just support a different kind of genocide?

        Is Palestinian skin a little too brown for our support?

    • mrnotoriousman
      45 months ago

      And you are okay with letting Ukraine get genocided as well just to shove it to Biden? Trump will only encourage Israel and Putin to keep going so you hate genocide but want to vote for more of it? That’s fucked up.

      • NoIWontPickaName
        -45 months ago

        No, I am deliberately not voting for more of it. Feel free to twist it however you want though.

        • @Guntrigger@feddit.ch
          15 months ago

          Well you live in a facist leaning and fascist sympathising country. Now what? Apathy doesn’t seem like the best course of action.

            • @Guntrigger@feddit.ch
              15 months ago

              If a vote either way supports genocide and no vote does nothing to stop genocide, what’s the tangible difference?

              • NoIWontPickaName
                -15 months ago

                If nothing you do matters, then the only thing that matters is what you do.

                What I choose to do is to not support genocidal actions in as many ways as possible.

                I can’t stop them from doing it, but I can choose not to support it myself.

                Don’t worry though, they are increasing the bombings in south Gaza now as well so soon it will just be a bunch of dead people and after that it doesn’t really matter, because people will all forget in time.

                But that’s the plan and it is working so 🤷‍♂️

                • @Guntrigger@feddit.ch
                  15 months ago

                  If nothing you do matters, then the only thing that matters is what you do.

                  I do agree with this. However, voter apathy is literally doing nothing. If you are paying taxes, you are still contributing to and arguably passively supporting it.

                  Actions I would think might matter are things like protest, campaigning for a third party against the thing you are against, running yourself, or retreating from this government’s rule.

                  It could be argued that just by living in the country and not actively opposing the issue, then you are supporting it. Saying “I don’t support this thing so I didn’t vote for anyone”, then pay taxes to the government that does the thing and enjoy the rich society of the country that does the thing, you’re more actively participating in the thing than opposing it.

                  • NoIWontPickaName
                    05 months ago

                    I know 100% where Biden stands by his actions.

                    trump says a lot of shit that he just can’t back up.

                    His nickname should be hummingbird, but he thinks it is alligator.

                    So on one hand I have a guaranteed wolf in sheep’s clothing on the other I have a no-toothed and idiotic wanna be wolf in a bear’s clothing.

                    Policies we can roll back, deaths we can’t.

    • @PersnickityPenguin@lemm.ee
      15 months ago

      Israel is bound by treaty to defend Israel as we are allies.

      Biden is mostly trying to prevent a shooting war between Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Which would 100% involve nukes and obliterate the global economy for decades. (Imagine all European - Asian oceanic trade just stopping).

      That’s why he’s doing it. Hamas is a proxy agent for Iran they are using against Israel.

      • NoIWontPickaName
        15 months ago

        So I should support guaranteed genocidal actions now to maybe possibly prevent an event that might theoretically happen?

        Also, when someone is committing genocidal acts, maybe it is time to break treaty with them.

        Let Israel act however it wants without big daddy USA backing them and then let’s see their actions without the biggest military in the world backing them.

        They only walk around wagging their ducks because they have backing.

        Let them handle their own problems without us and then see how they act.

        It is very easy to be a bully when you have a bigger friend to help.