This is an opportunity for any users, server admins, or interested third parties to ask anything they’d like to and I about Lemmy. This includes its development and future, as well as wider issues relevant to the social media landscape today.

Note: This will be the thread tmrw, so you can use this thread to ask and vote on questions beforehand.

Original Announcement thread

    1829 months ago

    I asked in the other thread about GDPR.

    Nobody thinks it’s very interesting but if instances don’t follow gdpr, the entire network is at risk of legal consequences.

    So please bring this up, even though it’s not very fun.

    1429 months ago

    How do you see Lemmy working with duplicate communities on different instances? For example if Lemmy.World and have a PersonalFinance community, are people expected to cross-post? Or have you conceived of a system to allow people to find the right community efficiently?

    9 months ago

    Any plans for improving SEO? One of Reddit’s biggest strengths was being able to get very relevant results with a simple internet search. In time can you see something similar for Lemmy, even with its decentralized nature? I really you for doing this, thank you for your time!

    9 months ago

    Right now, instances with transphobic and racist content like exploding-heads are still listed on Are you planning to implement a Server Convenant like on To be listed on, an instance needs “Active moderation against racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia”.

  • Lionir [he/him]
    1089 months ago

    I’m gonna be asking hard questions, I think, sorry about that. I hope you consider it tough love considering our past interactions.

    As an instance admin, I have some questions:

    • How are you doing? I know there was a lot of pressure when things blew up and it seems to be calming down a bit now.

    • How is Lemmy doing financially?

    • Considering past releases and their associated breaking bugs (including 0.18.3), what measures are you taking to help prevent that?

    • Can we consider the possibility of downgrades being supported?

    • Why are bugs affecting moderation not release blockers? Does anything block releases?

    • Are there plans to give instance administrators a voice in shaping the future of Lemmy’s development?

    As someone who is trying to help with Lemmy’s development, I have some other questions:

    • What do you think are the biggest problems with Lemmy as a software project and what are your priorities for Lemmy?
    • Considering fairly low amounts of developers contributing to Lemmy, how are you working to help new people get into the project?
    • Do you worry about the message it sends to potential contributors when the main developers are working on a different project which competes with the former? (Example: Lemmy-ui vs Lemmy-ui-Leptos)
    • Considering most work is done voluntarily, how are you trying to organize and prioritize work?
    • Do you believe you are stretching yourself too thin between Lemmy, Lemmy-ui, Lemmy-ui-leptos, Jerboa and If so, what are you doing to help you focus?
  • AlmightySnoo III 🐢
    9 months ago

    What’s your opinion on app developers making Lemmy clients with tracker-infused ads on their free version? Is it something you ever anticipated when you were first developing Lemmy?

    EDIT: Also a similar one, what about instances potentially deciding to display ads out of nowhere? Could defederation be a tool here to discourage that?

    899 months ago

    Hope multiples are ok …

    1. As platform developers, do you have any thoughts about ActivityPub? Positive/negative critiques, needed developments (in your opinions), usage gripes or tips for other platform devs, future predictions?
    2. As devs of (now) the second largest platform next to mastodon (by some metrics), which are probably as distinct platforms can be in terms of format, do you have any views on interoperability between platfroms over ActivityPub, where a common critique (AFAIK), from *diaspora devs for example, is that sharing posts/information of different formats just doesn’t work well over AtivityPub and so is one of its major flaws?
    3. Arguably the fediverse has so far sought to replicate the corporate big-social platforms … should new design evolution occur now and if so how?
    4. Much has been made by some of how the lack of user-friendliness of the fediverse really isn’t anything to celebrate and should be taken more seriously by users and devs alike (see, eg, Erin Kissane who focuses on mastodon). However much this applies to lemmy (where issues of user mobility probably do apply), do you think the fediverse needs a better story around catering to user needs?
    5. Do you have any thoughts on the server-based architecture of the fediverse (where all user accounts are bound to a particular user) and whether alternative architectures have a future or could be better (p2p, more single-user based for instance)?
    6. Should lemmy and the fediverse seek to grow with any and all users or seek to stay relatively small and limited to ensure a healthy cutlure?
    7. Journalism and journalists … should they be on the fediverse (like the BBC recently with their own mastodon instance) … and if so, how?
    8. What are the biggest or proudest moments you’ve had with Lemmy so far, and the worst or most embarrassing?
    9. How does it feel to have so many users using and developing against your software?!
    809 months ago

    Any plans to improve the sorting algorithm so that there’s a good balance of fresh posts at the top that’s also fairly active? And to help promote smaller communities that would have otherwise been dominated by the posts from bigger instances.

    Any concerns about duplicate communities across multiple instances? People have made the argument that it’s like having different flavors of subreddits on Reddit, but it’s a flawed analogy. Individual instances have incentive to make their own communities flourish, whether or not there’s a duplicate already available.

  • HobbitFoot
    779 months ago

    As some instances grow, server costs are becoming significant. Right now, servers are only funded through donations. Do you see the development of anything else to help fund server costs?

  • Lvxferre
    729 months ago

    I’m not asking anything because I’m a potato when it comes to software. I just wanted to drop by and say: thank you both for Lemmy. The platform is amazing, and it’s clear that you guys are pouring some heavy love (and labour hours) in it, as it’s improving at an amazing pace.

    9 months ago

    First of all, I’d like to say thank you and that I appreciate your work. Lemmy is great and I’ve found a new home (at least for the foreseeable future). I first joined once I learned about lemmy, and I have to say I had a good experience there. You guys even responded directly to my noob questions, and I honestly felt welcome which helped me decide to stay.

    My questions are about account migration. As you may have already seen, I’m not with anymore. The reason is I saw you guys stickied a post encouraging users to use different instances (since the server was having trouble with the influx of redditors at that time). I figured I’d help by first moving to a smaller instance. I have no regrets, although switching was a bit tricky since I had to start from scratch.

    What are your thoughts on account migration? Is it in the works or is it something that’s a little far into the future? No pressure since I know you guys are busy with other stuff.

    689 months ago

    I asked this in the original thread but I’ll repeat it here:

    1. Are there any limitations with the ActivityPub protocol you find limiting? Do you have recommendations for future versions of the protocol?

    2. Do you have any thoughts on the AT Protocol (a potential competitor to AP)?

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    639 months ago

    First, just want to say thanks for building and maintaining Lemmy. It’s an incredible project, and it provides an incredibly valuable public forum that’s completely open. This is the way internet was always meant to work before it got hijacked by corporations.

    The questions I’d like to ask would be whether the platform is developing in the way you originally envisioned, what surprised you in terms of how the platform ended up being used in the wild, and what were the biggest technical and non technical problems that came from the rapid growth after the Reddit migration. And finally, how would you like the platform to evolve going forward, and what your long term vision is.

    9 months ago

    Hi! This isn’t really a question, but I was a former admin on and I just want to say that I really appreciated the opportunity to be on your team and it was a really valuable experience for me! I’m no longer an admin due to inactivity and personal life events causing me to no longer have the time to serve such a role, but I enjoyed the time I was and I really hope I was able to make a positive contribution to the instance!

    Thank you for your continued work developing this project and running your instance comrades! This is still by far my favourite fediverse platform, actually, favourite social media in general. I intend to continue using both and Lemmygrad and I hope I can continue to contribute by using Lemmy when I have the chance!

  • Altima NEO
    9 months ago

    With so many growing instances, were finding a lot of duplicate communities within each one, wich results in a lot of duplicate posts by cross posters.

    Do you think it will be possible to aggregate similar communities together in some way?