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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: October 16th, 2023


  • My current feed is 4 videos that I’ve already watched completely and the red bar is still full, but I get a lot of already watched videos where the bar resets as well. Then it’s a bunch of videos from 14 years ago. These old videos started appearing earlier this year and I get a lot of them since, besides clicking ‘No Interest’

    Then there’s one or two videos that have been there for months in my feed that I’m afraid to dismiss because I like the general topic just don’t have interest in these particular videos.

    And then from time to time it it shines for a day or two and I get interesting stuff that disappears as quick as it came.

    One thing it’s getting better at recently is showing me long videos that are over an hour instead of the under 15 minute ones.

  • Again, subhuman doesn’t mean what you think it means.

    You’re literally spreading Nazi propaganda.

    And the rest you say was also adressed and I disagree. Hitler was indeed a human, and it’s dangerous to suggest he wasn’t.

    You seem radicalised, that’s a dangerous path to go down, even with the right intentions. In fact, Nazis were convinced they had good intentions as well. Republican voters too. And Elon Musk as well.

    How do you think many germans were able to kill jews the way they did? They were convinced they weren’t human. Why do you think Putin is demonising and dehumanising Ukrainians?

    Do you want to lock up or kill 40% of US citizens since they’re unredeemable monsters?