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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • “All the territory needs to be touching. It needs to be one unit. But that’s not the way the maps look,” says attorney Jeff Mandell, who represents 19 Democratic voters.

    He argues the Wisconsin Constitution requires the 132 legislative districts in the state to be contiguous.

    “The majority of the districts in Wisconsin presently include non-contiguous territory — little islands and chunks that are disconnected from the rest of the district,” Mandell says.

    He argues that dilutes the ability of voters to unify behind common interests.

    But attorney Luke Berg, who represents 10 Wisconsin voters from districts Democrats want to change, challenges the contiguity claim. Berg says the legislative maps have long recognized that some communities in this state have disconnected neighborhoods.

    So like what the fuck connects a discontinuous neighborhood then? Are they putting all the Bears fans in WI in on district? I can see someonw make a straight face argument that they combined all the farmers in a suburban county with a rural county, maybe. But wouldn’t you need a really solid argument for why these pockets of voters have been isolated from their geographic neighbors?

    Otherwise the answer seems obviously racial or partisan. If not just stupid and illegal.

  • Considering we have a two party system, game theory implies we will vote between the 81 year old guy who has some idea of what he is doing and the 77 year old guy who maybe just finally after seven years figured out how to start a fascist regime.

    If we could somehow change the status quo, I’m not even certain who the “good candidates” would be. Warren is 74 and Sanders is 82.

    Our media, gerrymandering and attention spans have led to a place where everyone who is famous and wants the job are criminally nuts.

    Yeah I think I’ll stick with Biden until Harris and Newsom are ready to fight about who is next.

    I don’t know a place to find accurate news.

    What does this mean? You can’t just trust one need source. It starts with learning about political science and history. And learning more and more. And then reading multiple new sources. That’s the only way you’ll get context. Being engaged and having the background information.