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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • It’s actually astounding, how weirdly unmaintained Windows is in many areas. Just look at the settings chaos. There are three completely different settings trees, and at least for me, it’s impossible to know which one to choose for a given task.

    There’s constantly stuff going on in the background for no reason and updates take forever and require 7 reboots. That’s not okay.

  • As a German, his speeches are not dumb or incoherent as Trump’s, but they are really that good either. Basically constantly screaming and a very weird cadence.

    Messagewise, it’s pretty close, though. MAGA and Deutschland über alles are not that different. Actually, making Germany as great as it’s been before Versailles was kind of the entire point of the Nazi party (and of course The Jews™ were responsible for all of that ).

  • It won’t. Some people will scream bloody murder, most people will ignore it.

    SO was in decline anyway. Most answers you’ll find are several years old and outdated, because some idiot thought the new ones are duplicates.

    So now a few people will leave, the spamming idiots will keep spamming the platform with low effort nonsensical answers and its relevance will dwindle just a bit faster.

    Look at Reddit. Last year there was a huge outrage and today it’s pretty much the same as before.

    Most people don’t care. Most people feel so powerless, that they’ll accept every privacy scandal, every exploitive business strategy, every sellout of their platform.