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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • I think his entire article misses the point. NYT is so goddamn focused on their “conservatives SLAM liberals” or “republicans CAUGHT RED HANDED” framing that they can’t see the forest for the trees.

    This isn’t a matter of “liberals” harboring antisemitic feelings. And it’s definitely at least six layers deeper than “republicans score points as liberals FLOUNDER.” Like…this is the only way these people can conceive of the world? I don’t know how to explain what I’m feeling—I mean, I guess I do. It’s a fucking farce. Zero critical thinking skills whatsoever. And all these writers went to fucking Harvard and Yale, I guarantee it.

    Anyway, my point is, the real issue here is that no one can conceive of nuance anymore. People who typically fall under the “liberal” label are fully aware of racism, antisemitism, etc. In fact, the white liberal LOVES to accuse people of it—because it bolsters their liberal bonafides (or at least scores them internet points). They are fully aware of long-running antisemitism and systemic racism showing itself as subtle social cues. They know it. They’re not unaware of what it looks like.

    The disconnect is happening because the same social media ecosystem in which they score those “I’m more aware than you” points is also giving them points in the “pro-Palestine minigame.” Their feelings are commodified—in engagement, in views, in likes…being personally affected by the news is like gold stars and everyone is so goddamn busy trying to make the global situation about them. So if you can show just how angry you are, people will see that you care, and the further you take that to further display your anger, the more it shows.

    We’ve lost our ability to operate in any gray area—or to even conceive of a gray area. It’s black or white, no questions, no straying from the pack. Peoples opinions are streamlined now. It’s all served up to us on a platter in the most digestible form possible, and then regurgitated down the line so that our opinions on “Our Side” all match. That doesn’t leave any room for critical thinking, and it sure as shit doesn’t leave room for “well, let me just say, I don’t think we should really say _____.” As soon as you question anyone on your established “side,” the groupthink jumps into action to label you whatever the most egregious opposite of a perfect liberal/conservative is. Because you’re a traitor. We’ve established an order here and it leaves no room for drawing logical conclusions on your own. From there it’s a short hop to “kill all Jews.” Because we weren’t questioning the thinking anyway. So why question the calls for genocide? It’s all legitimately unhinged and tragic to see all these people lost to this sort of…idiocy. I’ve tried pointing this out to people who otherwise wouldn’t be harboring super extreme thoughts. But they just can’t see it. Or won’t admit to seeing it. And I’m not sure which is worse.

    That’s the much, much larger and deeper problem here. And it’s going to doom us all.

  • With the trend of everything these days, I’m beyond tired of our station in this world—during our ONE FUCKING life we get, we’re nothing more than pockets. And when those pockets are empty, you’re nothing.

    A chaotic world of post-societal-collapse would be fuckin awful, but at least we’d be free of bought/paid-for capitalist “living.” We’re not living under capitalism, we are churned for capitalism. It’s so goddamn frustrating and tragic.

  • Dude, I bought a pair of Bose headphones yesterday. I get the home and the first thing they try to get me to do is download their app. Of course, sketchy (to me, anyway). So I dive into the “cookies/tracking data” section, which links me to the “privacy policy” which links me AGAIN to “information we collect and how”—all different documents with their own tables of contents. Legally binding documents.

    They get people to sign away their rights to ANY privacy. They can “map your head movements” and what seemed to be…the shape of your head(?), they can PASSIVELY LISTEN TO ANY SOUND “around you,” they can intercept any any all information that passes through the headphones/microphone, record all biometrics…

    Needless to say, I didn’t download the app. But these were the best headphones I’d ever put in my ears, right out of the box. So I went onto the SMS chat (while they were the best, the pair I had were defective)…and the first message I get is…A GODDAMN LINK TO A DIFFERENT PRIVACY POLICY. “Simplified” so it seemed like I was just giving them permission to record the SMS conversation “for training purposes,” but THANK FUCKIN GOD I dug deeper, BACK INTO THE MAZE OF SUBCLAUSES AND OBSCURED LINKS AND SEPARATE DOCUMENTS to find that they were trying to get me to sign THE ORIGINAL GODDAMN PRIVACY POLICY. And all I had to do was REPLY IN THE CHAT. That would’ve been apparently my consent.

    So I called, because I wanted to use these headphones. They were so perfect. I asked to speak to the legal dept, if I can use the headphones without SOMEHOW, their privacy policy surreptitiously taking effect/being tacitly agreed to.

    Well, you can’t reach the legal dept. so fuck it. Fuck BOSE, fuck these great headphones. I’ll suffer inferior headphones if I can’t be promised that I don’t sign away my organs and/or all possible information.

    For good measure


    Oh yeah, my point was that they are taking everything they can, at all times. We are giving up everything. We’ve lost this battle. Big time. And we paid for it. Literally. Those headphones were $200 ON FUCKIN SALE. Goddamn, I hate capitalism and the modern world.

  • It’s interesting. When a spacex launch goes well, you don’t see his name attached in the headline. But on this explosion, his name comes first.

    I mean, It’s all business. Disaster and Elon musk are going hand in hand since his turn into a pretty decent, hateable villain a couple years ago. So putting his name on an explosion gets the “Awfuckyeah give me musk hate porn” crowd. Even though he had almost as little to do with this failure as he did with the Hindenburg. But this gets clicks.

    It’s pretty annoying, because we can see right through it and their motives are shitty. Don’t get me wrong, Elon musk is a douchebag, but CNN’s motives for attaching his name to this article directly in the headline aren’t a mystery. And they’re selfish. So we can hate both CNN and musk at the same time. Convenient.

  • As described in The Newsroom, a great show I personally love, the media is “biased toward fairness.”

    This is most likely due to the need to be as profitable as possible, although now that business model is changing in the Trump/Fox/MSNBC-Hyper-Partisan era and we are seeing more catered viewpoints. But the “bias toward fairness” is what has helped shift the Overton window so far to the right. They ignore basic factual truth to appear “fair,” taking this floating viewpoint that insists on looking at everything through the amorphous, yet binary, political lens.

    The example used in the show was about flat earthers (this was, actually, a time when that was an absolutely absurd example): “if half of the Republican caucus walked onto the house floor tomorrow and said ‘the earth is flat,’ The Times would lead with ‘Democrats and Republicans can’t agree on shape of earth.’”

    It’s one of the many, many, many, many issues with modern society that stack up to give us the overarching problem…of everything going on today. I dunno, maybe this is just me, but any time I think about any nuanced, hyper-specific issue like this, with such far-reaching consequences, our problems seem insurmountable. Because this issue is connected to larger issues and much smaller issues and THE largest issue and the consequences are devastating…it just seems like modern society has become so stacked and complicated that you can’t unravel one problem without digging up and figuring out a million others. And we’re running out of time. But even saying THAT is a multifaceted conversation…it’s all so exhausting.