Biden was emerging from his Delaware campaign headquarters when the car ploughed into an SUV guarding his motorcade

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden were rushed to safety by the Secret Service after a car suddenly ploughed into a parked SUV that was guarding the presidential motorcade.

Mr Biden was walking out of his campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, on Sunday night to his waiting armoured SUV when a silver copper sedan hit a US Secret Service vehicle that was closing off intersections for the president’s departure.

The sedan, which carried a Delaware licence plate, then tried to continue into a closed-off intersection, before Secret Service personnel surrounded the vehicle with their weapons drawn and instructed the driver to put his hands up.

Mr Biden was captured looking stunned and froze when he heard the loud bang close by.

    1425 months ago

    The article says that Biden “looked stunned and froze”, but there is video embedded in the article and it’s clear that Biden was stunned in the sense of “Holy shit, what was that?”, and not in terms of having some sort of episode. But now we’re gonna get all the idiots reminding us that they think Biden is too old for all this.

      685 months ago

      I mean Biden is too old, so is Trump, so is Nancy, so are most of the folks currently running our government. It’s a problem, but it’s not one unique to Joe, it’s systemic

      Biden the a far better and more mentally qualified candidate than Trump for virtually any position but especially president, not to mention not expressing desires to be a dictator or echoed Hitler.

      335 months ago

      He is to old for this, hell he even says he doesn’t want to do this anymore but is because trump is running…but this is not why he is to old for it.

      • TigrisMorte
        125 months ago

        Given the lunacy of cult45 and their delusions of empires pay master pootie, I suspect everyone is too old for this shit.

      • HubertManne
        35 months ago

        he did not even want to run the first time but did for the need to defeat trump.

              5 months ago

              Unlikely More likely to win the moderate independent vote


              There are a whole bunch of leftists and anti-authoritarians who are almost as disillusioned with the Democrats as they are with the Republicans. The notion of the general election hinging on “moderates” is nothing but Democratic Party fiction.

                15 months ago

                leftists and anti-authoritarians

                They’ll vote democrat since republicans are way further out from their desires, and will actively pull the country even further right. Democrats know this, so they don’t have to work as hard for the left vote.

                  25 months ago

                  That’s another fallacy: they might vote Democrat, or they might vote Green or Libertarian as a protest, or they might not vote at all. And it’s those latter two possibilities that matter, because (even Democrats admit that) elections are won on turnout, not flipping mythical swing voters.

                  Appealing to leftists and/or anti-authoritarians is what increasing turnout looks like, but neoliberals would rather lose than admit that.

                • Remmock
                  5 months ago

                  They won’t vote at all. A vote is a demonstration that you are picking something that represents you. If neither party of statistical significance represents you, don’t vote. If you do, you’re just giving carte blanche to corporatist Dems to keep doing business as usual. Letting the Dems fail until they get the message seems to be the only thing they might notice any more.

        • Hegar
          -25 months ago

          he did not even want to run the first time but did for the need to defeat trump.

          That’s just nonsense put out by his campaign.

          It’s obviously not true that a career politician who was already VP didn’t really want to be president. He ran in a heavily contended primary and wasn’t always the front-runner.

          • HubertManne
            25 months ago

            I don’t agree it was just his campaign. Who and when was someone else the front runner? I mean early on when the small states are in anyone can be but once some major ones are under the belt its not exactly neck and neck.

      315 months ago

      that they think Biden is too old for all this.

      He IS too old for this…so is Trump. The fate of the US is in the hands of the coronary health of two fucking assholes that should be in nursing homes.

        5 months ago

        I’m too old for all this shit and I’m younger than the youngest president in history

        Maybe we should swap the age limit so 35 is the upper limit not the lower.

          75 months ago

          Having it as an upper age limit was a response to Europe having a century of wars where young men ascended to thrones, and made impulsive decisions to launch invasions, expand conflicts, etc. It’s not crazy to lower it slightly, but it’s also not something we want to bring down by much.

          65 months ago

          The electorate should get to choose whoever it wants. We don’t need som group of assholes amending the Constitution to limit voter choice. Biden was the clear and decisive victor of a primary with over 20 candidates, none of whom came close to beating him. If anything we should change the voting age.

      225 months ago

      The idiots who rattle on about Biden’s age back a guy 3 years younger and hate when you remind them about that.

      • Billiam
        135 months ago

        The dick holes complaining about Biden being too old in 2020 are saying absolutely nothing about Trump being that old now.

    • Unaware7013
      5 months ago

      They’ve been pushing hard on the ‘Biden is senile’ bullshit for years, and no surprise they’re going extra hard to weaken him in the minds of the stupid and easily swayed.

    395 months ago

    … I never expected to say, but I hope he was just drunk. I mean, of all the car accidents you could possibly get into, this is pretty high on the shitty list.

    • Deceptichum
      205 months ago

      Imagine if this was someone taking their driving test for the first time.

        115 months ago

        Driving tester: Ok proceed through this intersection.

        Driver: But it looks closed, there’s SUVs parked blocking it.

        Driving tester: Proceed through this intersection or you will be failed.

        Driver: What am I supposed to do about the parked vehicles?

        Driving tester: You had an opportunity to ask questions before we started. This is not a driving lesson, it is a driving test. Now proceed through the intersection and then look for a space to parallel park.

        Driver: Slams into SUV

        Driving tester: Scribbles notes

        Driver: Now what? Those secret service agents don’t look very happy.

        Driving tester: Proceed through the intersection.

        Driver: !?

        Secret service agents: Swarm

        Driving tester: You’ve failed. Can’t even make it through an intersection without threatening the president.

        Driver: What was I supposed to do you crazy asshole!?

        Driving tester: How about slow to a stop and wait for the motorcade to pass instead of ramming a secret service SUV and trying to leave the scene of the accident because you need to get through the intersection? And you’re acting like I’m the crazy asshole…

      75 months ago

      Like a few weeks ago when a couple of people tried to car jack a secret service. Sounded like they didn’t know it was secret service, they just saw a fancy looking black SUV that they thought they could break into until a punch of guys with guns came running at them.

      15 months ago

      Radio codes:

      • “Mush-a ring dumb-a do dumb-a da” = shit’s happened, we’re bailing
      • “whack fall the daddy-of” = shots fired
      • “whiskey in the jar” meaning POTUS is in the beast.
  • AutoTL;DRB
    35 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Mr Biden was walking out of his campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, on Sunday night to his waiting armoured SUV when a silver copper sedan hit a US Secret Service vehicle that was closing off intersections for the president’s departure.

    The sedan, which carried a Delaware licence plate, then tried to continue into a closed-off intersection, before Secret Service personnel surrounded the vehicle with their weapons drawn and instructed the driver to put his hands up.

    Special Agent Steve Kopek, a Secret Service spokesperson, said in a statement that the vehicle struck had been securing the route for Mr Biden’s motorcade.

    The Bidens had spent the night aving a meal with members of his re-election team inside the Biden-Harris 2024 headquarters in downtown Wilmington at the time of the incident, according to a White House press pool report.

    The president and first lady had emerged from the headquarters into the rainy downtown area at around 8.07pm, where Dr Biden waved to pool reporters and wished them “Happy Holidays”.

    Wilmington Police Department spokesperson David Karas told Axios that local officers were “investigating the motor vehicle collision”.

    The original article contains 504 words, the summary contains 185 words. Saved 63%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • Beardedsausag3
    -45 months ago

    I was expecting more urgency from the security. Yeeting Joe into the car, slamming the door then duel wielding guns and just start blasting in every direction… Kind of urgency.

    • TigrisMorte
      645 months ago

      And instead they exhibited calm professional and actually useful behavior. Real World Professionalism VS Movie BS means no one needed to die.

      • Kichae
        345 months ago

        Yeah. The Bidens are safe. The assailant is under arrest. Nobody’s dog got shot.

        It’s obvious why this is a confusing outcome.

    • HubertManne
      25 months ago

      im a bernie supporter but unfortunately I think the last time was the last chance to have him run and he is quite old but that is fine.