• @SoylentBlake@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    I can’t wait until crispr files get pirated and spread across the web. A few hundreds bucks in lab equipment to grow a culture, spin a centrifuge and bam! Remember, take your modified DNA milkshake with food.

    But beyond crispr, 3d printing DNA, if not already possible, has got to be around the corner. The files might be huge, but it’s just another 3 shades and a toner, we know how to do that.

    And regardless how sweet that’d be, Id still be pissed off if it hypothetically came with a forced subscription. Will I need to hack those to remove the telemetry as well? cuz let me tell ya, I’m getting really good at that. Lots of practice lately. Defense catches up, all im saying.

    • osarusan
      25 months ago

      It’s a cyberpunk dream and nightmare come true at the same time!

    • @AltheaHunter@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      15 months ago

      The basic functioning of crispr, including sequences, is public knowledge already. The difficult part is turning that into a functional gene editing system that doesn’t give everyone cancer. A few hundred bucks might get you one semi-functional used centrifuge, it definitely will not provide a whole lab any time in the next several decades. More importantly, it won’t pay the people who know how to develop functional and safe gene editing tech.

      We can synthesize DNA and there are even really cool projects that have used it to build complex 3D nanostructures, but idk what you’re talking about with 3 shades and a toner. DNA synthesis and 3D printing are very different, and the former doesn’t use shades or toner.

  • @Evilcoleslaw@lemmy.world
    55 months ago

    They are both very expensive. Vertex said the wholesale price for Casgevy will be $2.2 million. Bluebird set the wholesale price of Lyfgenia at $3.1 million.

    Holy fuckballs. And this isn’t a one time thing. Not a cure. Just a therapy you’d have to repeat.

    • firecat
      25 months ago

      Sounds like the perfect thing for Biden to use his power, so that it’s actually reasonable price.

  • AutoTL;DRB
    45 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The FDA approved two gene therapies for anyone 12 and older suffering from the most severe form of sickle cell disease, a brutal blood disorder that has long been neglected by medical research.

    “I’m elated, excited, in awe,” Jennifer Doudna of the University of California, Berkeley, who helped discover the gene-editing technique called CRISPR that is used in one of the sickle cell treatments, told NPR in an interview.

    Gene-editing, which allows scientists to manipulate the basic building blocks of life more easily than ever before, is being studied as a treatment for illnesses ranging from rare genetic disorders like muscular dystrophy to common ailments like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, AIDS and Alzheimer’s.

    “I’m really excited,” Dr. Lewis Hsu, a pediatric hematologist at the University of Illinois at Chicago who serves as the chief medical officer at the Sickle Cell Association of America, told NPR in an interview.

    The approval of the CRISPR gene-editing treatment was also welcomed by Victoria Gray, a Forest, Miss., a sickle cell patient who was the first person to receive it in the U.S. NPR has had exclusive access to chronicle her experience since she was treated in 2019.

    Another concern is whether sufficient research had been done to spot “off-target” effects of the treatment — unintended editing errors that missed their mark in the DNA and that could potentially cause long-term health problems.

    The original article contains 1,288 words, the summary contains 229 words. Saved 82%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

  • @kescusay@lemmy.world
    45 months ago

    This is awesome, but what’s the political aspect? Just seems like great news anyone from any political side could get behind.

    • osarusan
      35 months ago

      seems like great news anyone from any political side could get behind

      Oh you sweet summer child.

    • @ColeSloth@discuss.tchncs.de
      15 months ago

      Oh. It’s political. You think the far right will approve of “playing god” with Gene editing? Remember the shitstorm that stem cells caused like 15 or so years ago?

    • @pelespirit@sh.itjust.worksOP
      05 months ago

      from any political side

      I think this one rides the line tbh. My thinking was that it was put out by a government agency and I’m 99% sure there are some r’s that aren’t going to like it. I also think it’s great news though.

      • @kescusay@lemmy.world
        25 months ago

        Sadly, I think you’re right. Republicans will denounce it just like they denounced vaccines, which will make something that shouldn’t be political into a political issue. Ugh.