I make art that’s totally mine because I did it through AI. https://imgur.com/a/Rhgi0OC
I was hoping for one that could show you the feed. It might be a lot to ask since reddit didn’t implement it until relative late. It didn’t save any of my groups anyway, so I might wait to switch until some of the bugs get worked out. Still, it’s a great UI.
This sounds like the beginning of a murder mystery:
A shady business network apparently run by Pakistani and Indonesian citizens from a mansion on the outskirts of Birmingham, United Kingdom, has launched an attack on the Spanish scientific journal industry. The group is buying up long-standing publications and converting them into fast-money machines by increasing the price they charge researchers for publishing, in addition to increasing the number of studies published with little regard to their quality. Alberto Martín and Emilio Delgado, two University of Granada professors who have been investigating the phenomenon, compare what is happening to the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers, in which people are secretly replaced by emotionless clones born from mysterious alien pods.
It’s awesome. Am I being stupid though? Is there a way to open your feed with a only the a group selected? For instance, if I want to open all of my grouped politics feeds only, I can’t seem to do that.
Be careful about assuming that your drugs are what they’re talking about. Yours sound like they’re balancing you out. They could be cleaning out your brain. Make sure to look at the study carefully.
Honestly, it might be. When people pee, that toilet water goes somewhere.
I think they get more data from your usage on mobile.
You probably already know this, but if you switch around to “hot,” “top 6 hours” and top 12 hours," you get a lot more content.
The placebo effect is pretty magical in itself. You’re convincing your body to heal itself and it does in a minority of people. I guess there really are wizards among us.
Pretty dark, is the cartoonist okay?
This is not a both sides thread or issue. Bernie Sanders was on the ticket and he was a serious threat to the DNC.
Sounds like they know that they’re pointless.
Mine was the same browser, but I clear all cookies for every time I’m on. That might have something to do with it for me. I agree, it does seem less baked than it should be. It’s a side project, so I’m trying to be patient. I was just excited for a tags and groups for modding.