I got suckered. I saw some posts about how men don’t take care of their skin, and how it has more of an effect as we age. So I thought, what’s the harm? Let’s give it a try!
Welp, after five days of putting a tiny bit of moisturiser on my face, I have a couple of tiny pimples on my nose. I haven’t had zits in decades, and here we are. I stopped applying the moisturiser a couple of weeks ago and I’m still getting those zits.
Thanks skincare.
I don’t use any of that crap, except yk, shampoo and eh, shower gel stuff.
my skin’s very healthy, and I never even wash off my makeup. I get like 1 zit per month but that’s cuz I’m still young. Then I used to have friends that kept complaining that they had zits DESPITE their excessive use of “skincare” products. which is, duh its not DESPITE , its because. also I never got the deal, as long as your skin doesn’t rot or you know, hurt, what’s the issue?
I use water and soap. For everything. Including my hair. Unscented soap with no industrial chemicals to make it “smell good”.
I horrify my coworkers when I tell them this. They’re convinced my hair is going to fall out, and that my skin will dry out and slough off despite literally years of me not showing any of this.
I’m pretty sure the makeup industry is purely a scam.