What have friends of yours or members of your family chosen for each one? Someone I know is having an event and it has me wondering.
Semi related, but I hate how every wedding seems to do the “Love is patient, love is kind” reading. Have some originality…
Someone I know had a ceremony modeled after the Klingon ceremony from Star Trek.
Its not for me, but at least its not “Love is patient” 🤮
I have literally never seen that “tradition” followed except on television or movies. No wedding ceremony I’ve ever attended had any of that going on.
Maybe I hang out with the wrong crowd.
I did at my wedding, but it wasn’t like it was a big thing. It was something personal that I did for myself.
Only reason why I know this tradition exists is because of an episode of Friends, as I had nothing else to binge while on an offshore rotation: Each trip involved being on a ship for five weeks straight with shoddy internet connection.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen one without that tradition.
Looks like I hang out with the wrong (right?) people then.