• @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
      125 months ago

      He’s extremely hated by the rest of the country, and deservedly so, but for some reason that may or may not be dark sorcery, big parts of Texas still love him to the point that he’s almost literally unbeatable.

      Doesn’t help that most polling places in predominantly democrat-leaning neighbourhoods have been closing over the last few decades of corrupt GOP control (but I repeat myself) either, of course.

      • @CaptainSpaceman@lemmy.world
        45 months ago

        Dems do everything in their power to sabotage themselves in certain races. All beto had to do was not mention taking away guns and he would have won, hands down.

        It almost feels on purpose…

    • @Telorand@reddthat.com
      5 months ago

      He still is. He won by the skin of his teeth in off-year elections due to three factors:

      • Lots of Conservative Californians moving to Texas who voted for him, but who didn’t know better.
      • Beto made that public gaffe about taking people’s guns away.
      • Off-year elections have lower turnout.

      He is up for reelection during a presidential election, those Conservative Californians are now moving to Florida, and his opponent(s) is unknown. He should feel worried.

    • spaceghoti
      65 months ago

      He still is. No one in the Senate can stand him, including his allies.