• CapeWearingAeroplane@sopuli.xyz
    2 months ago

    Lol, you’re literally claiming that Russia is too weak and pathetic to not attack someone when it is in their best interest to not attack them, because “big bad west” somehow forced them to attack, against their own wishes. Also, you’re talking about NATO expansion as if it’s something that’s been forced upon other countries, rather than a tough process to get through, that a bunch of countries have worked hard to complete, because they wanted to join. Just look at the recent ascension of Finland and Sweden, and you’ll quickly recognise that the main driver for NATO expansion is Russias neighbours wanting security from Russia. If Russia didn’t want others joining NATO they could just leave people alone.

    Not only that, you’re saying “The US has no interest in Ukraine, Russia does…” as if “having interests in Ukraine” justifies invading the country and killing thousands of civilians. I don’t care what interests Russia has in Ukraine, they have no right to invade, because Ukraine is a sovereign country. Western countries don’t need to have interests in Ukraine to have a vested interest in maintaining a rule-based world order, where we can focus on making the world a better place rather than fighting off invading Russians. If Russia is allowed to force their will upon a free country, we are all forced to spend more resources on our militaries, which we would really prefer not to.

    Again, this whole “Ukraine is a device to provoke Russia” argument just makes Russia look even more pathetic. They can just stop the invasion and leave if it isn’t in their best interest to fight. That’s literally what we’re asking for: Just stop. We don’t want this war, and the way we’re going to stop it is by helping Ukraine kill Russian soldiers on their soil until Russia gets the picture.

    Finally, the thing about democratic governments lying to their citizens doesn’t really carry the weight you think it does, because we have actual free press and free speech, which leads to lying politicians being held accountable. Just take a look at any Western European democracy, and you’ll see a host of politicians that have been outed for all kinds of things, and subsequently been punished either legally (if applicable) or in the polls.

    • Amoxtli@thelemmy.clubOP
      2 months ago

      You must have been living under a rock. The US prevented expansion of communist countries. Same thing. The US is not going to let a superpower rise peacefully. Look how American government antagonizes China. You think America will accept the rise of a superpower in South America? You are naive. NATO does not follow international laws. Ukraine is by law suppose to be neutral as a condition as a sovereign country, and no Crimea does not belong to Ukraine. Ukraine stolen it. You are very one-sided. It is not the choice of Ukraine, just abandon treaties, except Westerners think it is okay. Well, two can play that game. Doesn’t matter what you “think is moral”, the fact is, Ukraine is getting wrecked, and they have no manpower to continue on fighting. Ukraine does not know how to run a military. They should not have been armed and aligning with NATO and the EU when it wasn’t supposed to. Their economy cannot sustain a war, which is why NATO countries are supplying it. I have facts on my side.