• Bernie_Sandals@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      Trumpers/Republican that don’t support genocide Joe, but there’s literally millions of us.

      Disregarding the stupid “gEnOciDe jOe” comment, do you have a source for millions of people willing to switch from voting for Joe Biden in 2020 to not voting for him in 2024?

      There’s literally no candidates with a better track record on this than Biden, and any candidates that could have a better Palestine policy aren’t going to win.

        • Bernie_Sandals@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          No, this very well could be a genocide, and the Biden admin needs to work to stop it as soon as possible, in a way that creates a lasting peace.

          That doesn’t answer the question of who you think is possibly better for palestine and could win.

      • anticolonialist@lemmy.cafe
        1 month ago

        I will be one of the millions not voting for the butcher of Palestine. There’s no way that a liberal could spin that he’s the lesser evil.

    • mozz@mbin.grits.dev
      1 month ago

      I don’t think you’re a Trumper/Republican because you don’t support Genocide Joe. I think you’re a Trumper/Republican because the way you don’t support him doesn’t make any fucking sense. You criticize him for things he objectively didn’t do, and you offer no particular solutions that would seem to lead to a better outcome for those of us who live in the US and want it to do less killing here and abroad, and the only solution that you seem to offer – refusing to vote for him and offering an endless drumbeat of propaganda about him – has an excellent possibility of leading to a catastrophically worse outcome for everyone. Including Palestinians. And, you’re so vocal and consistent in criticizing him – and only him – for such a big variety of things real and imagined that it’s hard for me to take away any possible conclusion than that you’re trying to make sure he doesn’t get elected.

      It’s possible that you’re simply a very confused leftist. IDK. But that’s my take on it. I note, also, that the story linked to also explicitly contradicts the headline, in terms of when students left (“walked out”) from the ceremony:

      Several students walked out of the graduation ceremony while Biden was presented with an honorary degree following his speech, CNN reported.

      So they stayed to listen to him speak, and then walked out in protest when he was done speaking? This is impossible, to me, to read as anything other than a deliberate propaganda construction built on people leaving to go to the bathroom or something. IDK, maybe I’m missing something.