• drev@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Wow. Yeah that sounds like a rough ride, I’m sorry you and so many others were dragged through the coals like that for so long. It sounds like things were at a point where a split like that was probably necessary unfortunately, maybe even entirely unavoidable from the sound of it.

    Thanks for sharing your experience, and congratulations on a more unified (and moral) stance on these issues. I hope your church can finally and more easily move forward without the weight of the interference, pressure, and influence these fringe actors had been exercising in the past several years.

    • chiliedogg@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I broke down in tears when the changes passed. Just a few years ago we were positive we’d have to leave the denomination to get change, but then the bad actors left instead, so the thousands of congregations “in the middle” that didn’t want to leave their historic denomination didn’t have to, so in the end way more churches are officially accepting of homosexuality.

      The new rule for marriage is 2 consenting adults, where it used to be a man and a woman. So we also managed to officially prohibit child marriage in the church. On the US side that was mostly from high school kids getting married because the girlfriend got pregnant. The church will no longer recognize or participate in those marriages.

      It also clarifies that clergy are free to perform or refuse to perform any marriage ceremony of 2 consenting adults, so homophobic clergy aren’t required to perform the ceremony. I’m fine with that, because a preacher performing a wedding should support the marriage, and a gay couple should know that the person performing the ceremony is supportive of the union.