A defense lawyer for Donald J. Trump painted Michael D. Cohen, the trial’s key witness, as an unrepentant liar on Thursday and suggested he fabricated testimony. He will be back on the stand on Monday.
What a fucking dork. Like trump will snap his fingers and that ugly-Sonic looking motherfucker is gonna rip his shirt off and fight a witness or juror or whoever to the death. Just because you’re not good at intimidation doesn’t make it not intimidation. That shitstain will be a Florida Senator and then run for president, but for now he is a fugly, dorky, loser lapdog with credible accusations against him, and we need to point it out so that it’s remembered when it matters most.
Matt Gaetz just told everyone he was “Standing Back and Standing By”…
Standing back and standing by, behind a Florida high school gym
What a fucking dork. Like trump will snap his fingers and that ugly-Sonic looking motherfucker is gonna rip his shirt off and fight a witness or juror or whoever to the death. Just because you’re not good at intimidation doesn’t make it not intimidation. That shitstain will be a Florida Senator and then run for president, but for now he is a fugly, dorky, loser lapdog with credible accusations against him, and we need to point it out so that it’s remembered when it matters most.
Yooo don’t do sonic dirty like that…
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Is there a way to see them without having a log in? I get an overlay anytime I click anything.
I’m not sure to be honest, I rarely use it.
You could always make a throwaway account for viewing.