• The House passed a more than $60 billion bill that provides more military aid to Ukraine.
  • It’s part of a larger foreign aid package that’s likely to pass the Senate and be signed into law.
  • 112 Republicans voted it against — the most ever, and a majority of the GOP conference.

Saturday’s vote marked the first time the House had approved billions of dollars in Ukraine aid since December 2022, when Democrats still controlled the chamber.

In the two years since Russia’s invasion, opposition to aiding Ukraine has grown from a fringe position to a majority view among House GOP lawmakers. Many argue the money should be spent domestically or that policy changes at the US-Mexico border should take precedence.

Here are the 112 House Republicans who voted against the bill.

  • Amoxtli@thelemmy.club
    6 months ago

    The money isn’t going to turn the tide against Russia. Ukraine has no chance of winning. It is just math. Joe Biden has no interest for the well-being of Ukraine. US prefers that Ukraine bleed Russia. This means every last Ukrainian. Biden regime knows Ukraine can’t win, but that won’t stop him from lying about victory, and inflating the threat from Russia. Ukraine conflict is directly a product of US foreign policy and that alone. Even European states other than the UK don’t really support the war. At least, secretly. Publically, they have to.

    • themeatbridge@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Honestly, what the fuck even is this bullshit?

      Ukraine is fighting an invading force that is kidnapping children and targeting infrastructure. They have no choice but to keep fighting. Without financial and military support, Ukraine will cease to be.

      You’re not wrong that America benefits from the proxy war that has weakened Putin militarily and politically. Putin, like Trump, is a punkass bitch who is willing to kill to keep projecting power.

      If America stops supporting Ukraine, that’s not in anyone’s best interest except Putin.

      • Amoxtli@thelemmy.club
        6 months ago

        With or without financial aid, Ukraine will lose. It is math. Russians invaded Ukraine because the US was trying to isolate Russia from Ukraine. This means no tolerance for pro-Russian Ukrainian presidents; the coup of 2014 that overturned the democratic vote, and the subsequent declarations of independent republics in the Donbas because of the color revolution that undermined democracy. NATO afterward starting arming and training Ukrainians will promote NATO and EU membership. NATO is a US organization, and NATO foreign policy is US foreign policy. Europeans are subservient to the US for security. Most European states don’t support the war in Ukraine privately, but for the sake of NATO unity, they publically support it, because the US pays for NATO defense.

        • themeatbridge@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          I mean, maybe you’re right about it being impossible for Ukrain to win. Putin is committed to hiding his fear with violence.

          The “coup” in 2014 was made much easier when Yanukovych murdered a bunch of unarmed protestors and then fled the country to hide under Putin’s skirt.

          NATO is a coalition of countries, which includes the USA. You’re kidding yourself if you think the EU doesn’t support Ukraine. Every EU country wants Ukrainian exports, and all of them are concerned with Russian aggression against foreign sovereign powers. The only EU country that doesn’t support defending Ukraine against invasion is Hungary, but we all know that the whiny shitbag Orban has been licking Putin’s balls in exchange for power.

          • Amoxtli@thelemmy.club
            5 months ago

            Not all countries in the EU support Ukraine. It is not in their interest to support the conflict in Ukraine. If Russia was such a looming threat, they would have paid their fair share in NATO military funding. Barack Obama pointed this out, not just Trump. Obviously, they preferred to get rich, instead of spend money on the military. Viktor Orbán is the sanest leader in the EU because he tells it like it is. A Russian threat is greatly inflated with myths of a new USSR. Russians are not ideologically communist, and they have no interest in controlling other European people. They have been there and done that. The Soviets had to deal with uprising and insubordinate leaders when they controlled Eastern Europe. Uprisings in Romania and Hungary. Ukraine is a security matter for Russia. There is no imperial motivation for it. It was well established long before this conflict that NATO expansion into Ukraine would be a disaster. Angela Merkel and Sarkozy said this much including Bill Burns as Secretary of State, and ambassador. Bill Burns still works in the US government.

          • Amoxtli@thelemmy.club
            6 months ago

            The money only accelerates their demise. It is not helpful for Ukraine. It is the opposite. If Biden really cared about the Ukrainian people, he would call up a cease fire. He wants no peace deal. He wants only war. NATO is counting on the Ukrainian nationalist to send every man to their death.

            • ormr@feddit.de
              6 months ago

              Gtfo russian troll. Yeah, I look at the last three years and think: Biden… He only wants war!! Lmao

              • Amoxtli@thelemmy.club
                5 months ago

                Joe Biden signed a bill that funds the military or supports the military of Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine. Yes, he loves war. Just because he uses others as pawns doesn’t make him eligible for Nobel Peace Prize. Joe Biden is a foreign asset, a war criminal, he is compromised and intimidated. He is subordinate to US agencies and foreign lobbies. It can be argued that Joe Biden is a traitor. Biden’s voting record speaks for itself.

        • ormr@feddit.de
          6 months ago

          Wrong. EU countries have given over 50 billion $ support so far. Germany alone has given roughly 28 billion. There’s only a handful states that are in opposition against it, including lighthouses of democracy like Hungary…