• GlendatheGayWitch@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    This doesn’t address what she found or the fact that her stance changed. TLDR below. From the article:

    "But after taking office and examining hundreds of pages of curriculum, Gore was shocked by what she found — and didn’t find.

    The pervasive indoctrination she had railed against simply did not exist. Children were not being sexualized, and she could find no examples of critical race theory, an advanced academic concept that examines systemic racism. She’d examined curriculum related to social-emotional learning, which has come under attack by Christian conservatives who say it encourages children to question gender roles and prioritizes feelings over biblical teachings. Instead, Gore found the materials taught children “how to be a good friend, a good human.”

    Gore rushed to share the news with the hard-liners who had encouraged her to run for the seat. She expected them to be as relieved and excited as she had been. But she said they were indifferent, even dismissive, because “it didn’t fit the narrative that they were trying to push.”

    So, in the spring of 2022, Gore went public with a series of Facebook posts. She told residents that her backers were using divisive rhetoric to manipulate the community’s emotions. They were interested not in improving public education but rather in sowing distrust, Gore said.

    “I’m over the political agenda, hypocrisy bs,” Gore wrote. “I took part in it myself. I refuse to participate in it any longer. It’s not serving our party. We have to do better.”"

    TLDR Far right republican ran on platform saying that schools are indoctrination students to be progressives. She spent many nights and weekends going over the curriculum for the district and found no evidence to support her previous claims and in her excitement, she told her supporters what she found. They didn’t believe her and she was so disgusted that she changed her platform.