• brothershamus
    386 months ago

    yawn Oh . . uh, shocked! Yes, shocked we are that the government will shut down due to republiQan malcompetence YET AGAIN. The party that hates government was elected to government and is now shutting down government.

    I mean, on one hand, the system works! On the other hand, the only way we’re in this scenario for the 50th time is that corporate news has utterly failed at every level. Uh, also shocking.

    • @Telorand@reddthat.com
      166 months ago

      Technically speaking, they love government, just not the kind where they have to compromise with anyone or do anything purposefully good for the common people.

    • BarrierWithAshes
      56 months ago

      Yeah, this happens literally every few months. There seriously can’t be any people still surprised by this. It’s literally just a regular occurrence of the US government these days.