• Flying Squid
      76 months ago

      Really? Schumer couldn’t have made that rule change months ago? It’s a unilateral decision.

      • @Rapidcreek@reddthat.com
        106 months ago

        Schumer wanted to make this change weeks ago, which must go through the bipartisan rules committee. But, he wanted Republican buy in. McConnell asked him to allow Republicans to take a run at Tuberville first. Schumer allowed this only to have Tuberville object to his own caucus. Now there is no other way to go, and Tuberville will have all of the Senate tell him to fuck off.

          • @Rapidcreek@reddthat.com
            26 months ago

            A question for the ages. For that you have to look at the Senate calender and note floor work days. I know both the Senate and the House were not in session the week starting with Columbus day.