• AutoTL;DRB
    46 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    New House Speaker Mike Johnson may already be losing his first big clash with the hard-right lawmakers who are making the Republican majority and the nation ungovernable as time races down to yet another federal funding cut-off.

    A funding deadline of Friday night means Washington again faces a wild ride of shutdown brinkmanship caused by extreme GOP lawmakers who either cannot or don’t want to help run the country.

    It has already wasted every week of the House majority party’s term since the summer and threatens to further weaken the key swing-district members critical to the GOP’s hopes of keeping the gavel in next year’s election.

    (Johnson did pass $14.3 billion in aid for the Jewish state but offset the funding with cuts to the Internal Revenue Service to appease hardline conservatives, making it a futile gesture the Senate won’t accept.)

    Facing alarming poll numbers — including a survey last week showing Trump beating him in key swing states — Biden is keen on the comparison to the ex-president’s extremism that helped him win the 2020 election.

    Trump spent the weekend making Biden’s point for him, vowing in language resonant of demagogic autocrats to root out “radical left thugs that live like vermin” if he wins a second term and targeting special counsel Jack Smith and his family.

    The original article contains 1,447 words, the summary contains 217 words. Saved 85%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!