• AutoTL;DRB
    06 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Washington — For veterans service organizations and military community and family support groups, the well-worn playbook for lobbying and advocacy isn’t working this time with Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama.

    “Frankly, yes,” Mary Kaszynski, head of government relations for the VoteVets political action group told CBS News when asked if her advocacy organization has ceased efforts to directly lobby Tuberville.

    A review by CBS News found veterans and military support groups have unleashed TV ads blistering Tuberville, worked to galvanize home state pressure in Alabama, launched petition drives — one of which has yielded 10,000 signatures opposing his tactics — arranged a fly-in of retired generals to advocate personally on Capitol Hill, and unveiled a letter-writing campaign from military members.

    “It’s by far the biggest campaign we’ve ever done,” said Kate Marsh Lord, a spokeswoman for the Secure Families Initiative, a nonpartisan advocacy group for military spouses.

    The advocates acknowledge these traditional tools — including the letters, petitions and ads — aren’t yet moving the meter on a pernicious type of gridlock in which one singular member of Congress is causing the impasse.

    In a TikTok video recorded in July, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for America chief executive officer Alison Jaslow confronted Tuberville in a hallway on Capitol Hill.

    The original article contains 910 words, the summary contains 210 words. Saved 77%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!