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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • We were on a tour and the guide had an iPhone, but we have Android phones. He took some photos and said “Oh if you had an iPhone I could just Airdrop them to you” and we said “If you had an Android phone you could Nearby Share them to us”.

    Then there was much explaining about how Airdrop was better because it works with iPhones, and Nearby Share is no good because it won’t work with iPhones.

    Couldn’t quite get them to see the irony about that complaint.

  • I did get given a free iPhone! I opted not to use it.

    • Terrible email client options
    • Can’t rearrange your home screen beyond changing the icon order a bit
    • Firefox is just Safari with a groucho marx fake nose and glasses
    • Notifications are laughable by comparison
    • Share options are laughable by comparison
    • Camera is supposed to be better than any Android device ever invented, yet somehow managed to take blurry photos ~50% of the time so I’d end up taking 6 photos in every situation to make sure I got one where you could use it. I may be an edge case here as I’m mostly taking photos of name plates and technical documents where crisp detail is super important… iOS just wanted to make pretty colours and boke the world, even if it meant half a name plate was in focus and the back was artificially blurred for that sweet Instagram professional photographer look.

  • No, because Google will just go and randomly cancel.

    All my family and friends used to use Hangouts and it was perfect. I’d been with it since Google Talk but it was Hangouts SMS and functional video chat integration that won everyone over. Then SMS was removed, and later there was talk of it changing to Chats… and the stench of Allo and Duo was still in the air so we abandoned ship rather than bothering.

    Now we’re on a mix of WhatsApp and Messenger depending on the social group. Not really my preference but once bitten, twice shy so Google products get a hard pass.

    Also, Chats is ugly. A horizontal bar in a sea of whitespace is a terrible separator for a conversation. And chat heads don’t work in group messages like they did in Hangouts so it sucks for knowing if people in a group chat are up to speed.