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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I’d say the American dream exists but the abuse you must take is unimaginable. My family came here with very little and worked horrible minimum wage jobs. I climbed my way up from horrible manual labor jobs, to call center to tech support to engineer. If you have passion and you’re dedicated to your craft you’ll be well compensated. But it’s much more difficult than it should be. For me it took a lot of studying, politicing, and some lost respect for myself. Now I get to complain about my desk job and drink beer at live music bars to forget about work.

  • I don’t see how I was toxic in any way. Besides, this isn’t reddit. There is no karma, so if people downvote you, who cares? That just means that people think you’re wrong.

    Here’s a thought, let’s say you’re perfectly satisfied with how your content delivery/algorithm. You’re a responsible adult who can manage your screen time. Should TikTok be doing more to protect youth(those most vulnerable) from predatory content? There’s been quite a few studies now and even states suing TikTok for their effects on youth’s mental health.

    You’re making a few assumptions about me(implying I’m living under a rock or something)… Unfortunately I spend a large part of my day on the computer due to work and I grew up with the internet. So I try to spend what free time I have reading/studying, and maybe consume a bit of streaming in a day.

    If you knew the horrible content that most kids are being served now, it would make your head roll. I don’t let my kid watch YouTube but his cousins are all crazed on tiktok content. Look up skibidi toilet.

  • That’s usually true at first, showing users content they like is gratifying to the user, but satisfied users don’t stay on the app. So for example, I like motorcycles, humor, tech, dog content, and poker. Tik Tok could show me relevant videos and I’d maybe browse for a few minutes and then go do something else. But the algorithm kind of slows down the dopamine hits/relevant videos and starts inserting more content that is depressing/irrelevant… The algorithm uses the same logic that makes gambling so addictive, they’ll make you feel like the dopamine hit is just around the corner, except it takes a bit longer to get there every time. “One more hand” …>

    Facebook was at its worst in 2014-2018 or so. The algorithm became incredibly rage-inducing and pervasive. Facebook would intentionally show you content that you dislike(like right-wing bullshit) and if the more you interacted with it(especially if it was dislike) facebook would show you more and more of that. I was getting bombarded by extremism ideologies on Facebook and at the time I didn’t understand that this was the algorithm.

    The Internet is no longer just “likes cat video, give more cat videos”, and pushing that notion is uneducated. Tik Tok is the worst of all the apps by far, but all of the social media companies use sophisticated algorithms that intentionally fuck with you just to get you addicted to their apps.

    I think more people need to be informed on how these algorithms work and why they are so dangerous, especially to kids. Speaking of kids, there’s a lot of content on TikTok which sexualizes underage teens. Also, I would block literally every thirst trap on TikTok that showed up in my feed, because that is simply the last thing I want to see on TikTok, yet the algorithm is so aggressive, it will continue to push content that you dislike so you are unsatisfied for longer.

    I’ve deleted Tik Tok a few times in the past but I haven’t used it in about 2 years or so. Imagine how little the average person in this country knows about these algorithms.