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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • It is a great app, but you cannot fit everyone into a single app.

    Examples why I personally sometimes don’t want to use Signal:

    • no native desktop app, just a half-baked Electron based thing
    • no versions for systems other than Android and iOS
    • requires phone number (common argument)
    • hard to integrate bots, notifications and automatic services for the future use
    • when Signal foundation do something stupid, it would mean me having to migrate all friends yet another time

    Signal is super giga great, the cons list is short, but if we want everyone to use something it has to be an universal protocol, not one app.

  • Matrix aims to be a protocol for mostly real-time things like chat and voice/video calls.

    It has a data structure called rooms (think: chat rooms) that are spread out across multiple servers and the servers synchronize the content between each other. While ActivityPub (what most of Fediverse uses) is much simpler and just list posts adding API for interactions. Matrix aim to be a fabric to build decentralized alternatives of Discord, Zoom, WhatsApp, Google Classroom, Jamboard, Google Docs, etc.