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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • It’s literally the only way you can can communicate that you will not play the game they’ve rigged. And yes, that has an influence whether you are willing to admit it or not.

    Because here’s what’s going to happen if Biden gets his next term; Democrats will take that as a signal that they can be complicit in literal genocide and voters will still vote for them as long as they keep propping up worse options on the otherside. And so they will keep propping up a worse option and acting with complete disregard to their base.

    You are not going to “turn things around” at some point in the vague future, there is not going to be “slow, generational progress”, there’s going to continue to be a choice between Fascist and Fascist Lite because Fascist Lite understands they do not need to change anything about how they’re doing things in order to win elections.

    Is it a terrible and costly choice to call the Dems on their game of chicken? Yup. But that’s where your politics have put us. It’s degraded our democracy to the point that our only remaining choice to stop the vehicle from going off a cliff is to veer it into a tree.

    We could’ve hit the brakes earlier, there were plenty of opportunities and warning signs where the road was going, but people like you kept saying “oh no, pressing the brakes isn’t viable, the corporate media told me that brakes are extremist. Just keep going this next mile and then we can slow down a little after. Just go around this one last bend and it’ll turn into a U-turn.”

    Your politics don’t work and the threats and condescension have simply lost the effect, I cannot emphasize this enough; it’s not a viable political tactic any longer. If you think it’s that important that Biden win then you need to be doing everything you can to influence him to radically change his behavior, not sitting here trying to convince other people to deny what they see with their eyes and hear with their ears and play make-believe with you that “just a little genocide” is ok for Democrats to support. Enough of the trolley problem bullshit, no one is buying it.

  • Who said do nothing? I’m saying your suggestion of continually rewarding corporate dems with power has failed.

    If your political strategy has brought us to the point where we’re literally condoning genocide with our vote then it’s a failure. You understand that, right? If the Chosen One the Dem establishment has forced on us is nevk and neck with Donald Trump then that establishment is a failure and continuing to reward them with power for these pied piper bullshit strategies is not going to lead to progress.

    They’ve been doing it for forty years and all we’ve gotten for it is a tightening noose around our freedoms as they jerk off to corporate lobby money and insider trading, playing grab ass with fascists.

    That’s your “progress”.

  • No, like chess, at a certain point it becomes clear that you’ve lost the game you’re playing. It doesn’t matter if you save your metaphorical pawn or not in this scenario, delaying with the lesser of two evils will not create any further opportunities to turn things around.

    It is the end game, and it turns out that the using the lesser of two evils as a strategy for the past 7, 8, 9 election cycles has been a definiteively losing strategy. It has produced no favorable results, instead it has simply allowed fascism to creep in at a pace which the general public will acclimate to it. And once the majority is acclimated, there is nothing that anyone who cares can do.

    Instead, you should not be playing a game with rules rigged by two parties, neither of whom actually have an interest or will to preserve democracy. Instead you should be turning the board over and refusing to play