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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • So essentially, Colorado voters can’t add to Trump’s support for either the Republican nomination, or for the presidency?

    For the Republican nomination, though, isn’t the party a private organisation, such that they can fudge their results - e.g. by discounting Colorado’s votes altogether or by informally surveying the state? Or are they held legally to democratic voting to choose their candidate?

    I understand that if they do nominate Trump nationwide, it means the state of Colorado can’t vote for him - but they’re unlikely to anyway, right? So it means zero loss for Trump? Unless other states follow suit. (And the loss of face.)

  • Wouldn’t it be nice to not have an adversarial, abusive relationship with your OS?

    The whole point of computers, as far as I can tell, is to be that abusive relationship we never could perfect with humans. Linux is no exception, it’s just more passive-aggressive and better with gaslighting.

    “You see, if only you’d installed this dependency, which I showed you so clearly in the error logs all along - and I categorised them so nicely - but you never like to look there, do you? - I mean, I understand, and that’s why I mentioned it - not too strongly, because I didn’t want to upset you more - in the terminal output…”