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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • I think there needs to be an understanding on the difference between “de facto” and “de jure”. Just because something isn’t a law doesn’t mean it’s not followed.

    Just because we consider ourselves a secular nation, just because the founding fathers considered us a secular nation, just because freedom of religion is written into the constitution, doesn’t make it so.

    Christian fundamentalists have time and time again proved victorious over the separation of church and state. They have quietly, or more often quite explicitly, made sure their religion exerts power over us in our every day life.

    It’s not like this hasn’t gone unnoticed though. There are plenty of supreme Court cases where they have sided against the Church citing the separation of church and state, but as we have seen recently with the supreme Court, there is no hard backstop to keep them from reversing past decisions to side with a Christian interpretation of the constitution.

    Ultimately, they have made us a de facto Christian nation, and we need to stop it.

  • Call this a hot take, but I don’t think we are a secular nation. We are de facto a Christian nation. This isn’t a good thing.

    If you look at the laws we have, from no selling alcohol on Sunday (the Lord’s day), to anti-lgbtq legislation, to what our social conservatives draw upon for their arguments, it comes back to Christian fundamentalist politics.

    If you are Muslim or Jewish, you are much more at risk of being the target of hate crimes than a Christian.

    The separation of church and state is something we are still trying to do. Even Jimmy Carter, a deeply Christian man, pointed to Christian fundamentalism being the greatest threat to America.

    “Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and give unto God what is God’s” -Mark 12:17 why do I need to use the Bible to say why we shouldn’t have to use the Bible