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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Speech to text is one thing. Actually understanding all the intricate details and variations of language is incredibly difficult. It’s good enough for some stuff, but I’ve yet to see a system a system that’s reliable enough for day to day use, especially in a car.

    Scenarios like this happens way too often:

    “Set alarm for fifteen minutes”

    “Ok, setting alarm fifty minutes from now”

    “No! FIFTEEN minutes”

    “I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean”

    “Remove old alarm and set it to fifteen minutes instead”

    “Playing song on Spotify…”

  • It was quite the Wild West with early browsers. Different browsers could interpret the same site in different ways. Some browser added their own functionality as they wished. There were no strict standards. Web developers didn’t exactly follow the W3C standards either. And then you could always do it in a Flash or Java applet if browsers didn’t support what you wanted.

    This was also the time with the most diverse set of browsers. Today the web standards are much more formalized and more strictly followed, and ironically this is also the time where almost everybody use different flavors of Chrome.