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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • The Amish have this reputation for being nice people who are just a little old timey, but their insular communities hide a multitude of horrible things. Women and children are routinely abused, physically and sexually, animal abuse is rampant, it’s just awful but people just see their nice furniture and barns and shit. Turns out, separating yourself from society and not having access to technology (oh, except the men who do have cell phones some of the time) is a great way do hide a lot of things and to keep members of the community from reporting it.

  • I guess, but people who run puppy mills are generally pretty awful people, so I can’t feel bad about them getting screwed over for a relatively small amount of money. I had a rescue who was used as a stud in a puppy mill for his first 7 years and seeing the condition he was in when we got him and the amount of work it took to get him to feel safe, I just do not care what happens to the people who run them. They should all be shut down, have all of their animals confiscated, and have to pay every dime they’ve ever made off dogs to animal rescues. A bad check is like, the smallest possible amount of karma.