• 4 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The change exclude payouts that are under 1 cent or something like that. The news got hijacked by click and rage baiters like this title by the Guardian (which I won’t link):

    Spotify made £56m profit, but has decided not to pay smaller artists

    The smaller artists would literally get single digit cents! The Spotify hate is getting astroturfed hard it almost seems.

  • Can you imagine how much better everything would be if we didn’t allow monopoly play stores on our computing devices?

    One argument people say (especially in Apple camp) is that centralized app store is convenient and high quality but that quickly reveals itself to be bullshit in practice. Playstation store is an absolute joke that could be replicated by software engineering students. It barely works and has zero features past 2 paragraph descriptions and some random screenshots. Now, look at open platforms like PC - Steam is by far the best app store on the planet, no contest.

  • It’s definitely not that difficult.

    We had these lessons in Lithuania in the late 90s though not on fake news per se just how to evaluate text sources. It’s the same stuff you get taught for paper writing but in reverse. Check sources and use basic logic.

    I don’t think politics are need to be taught explicitly though just basic logic concepts. For example, I do wish kids were taught about Baysian perspective outside of math settings. Just understanding would eliminate a lot of misinformation dangers.