Drag rides dragons and also “rides” dragons. drag/dragself person-independent pronouns. That means drag’s pronouns are the same in first, second, and third person.
You’re welcome ^-^
With 96% of the vote in, Trump has, according to the Associated Press, 49.97% to Vice President Harris’ 48.36%, or 76.9 million votes to 74.4 million.
Drag can’t find your statement in this article. Did you send the right one?
America isn’t a true democracy. There’s gerrymandering, and electoral college, and first past the post. But it used to have one little bit of democracy left at the federal level. And then America voted for Trump.
Kamala didn’t even get the popular vote. Because Americans didn’t think it was worth trying to win that like they did in 2016. The popular vote is the bragging rights to say the government doesn’t represent the people, and Americans didn’t want it.
So, Americans chose to be thought of by the world as fascists. Not all of them, but most of them didn’t get up and choose otherwise. Few enough said no, that more were able to say yes. The default American image is a fascist. Nobody should be beholden to a default image, but that is the starting point. The mode average.
Drag has been researching Dutch law for Luigi related reasons, and stumbled onto this story. A Dutch actor tweeted about a peaceful protest by Extinction Rebellion, and the Dutch police showed up to arrest him for sedition, or “opruiing”. In the Netherlands, it’s illegal to encourage any kind of criminal behaviour. Violent or nonviolent. As far as drag can tell, telling people on lemmy.world to torrent pirated movies would legally qualify as “opruiing” and earn a sedition conviction. This is bad, guys.
Did he have a solution to the problem of online anarcho-capitalism?
Drag can make it go down.
It’s great that Halo Wars doesn’t feature the Chief. Halo shouldn’t the The Master Chief Franchise. It’s so much bigger.
Normally drag would agree, but outing every misogynist who doesn’t know what a woman looks like is a worthy goal
Chuds thought Aloy had a beard because she had peach fuzz. They don’t know what a real woman looks like and they don’t want to know.
That’s Mx. Double Dragon to you.
What if gaming time is 4 hours, you spend 3/4 of gaming time playing games, and you watch gaming videos for one hour outside gaming time?
Kamala ran a weak campaign. She shouldn’t have bragged about expanding oil production and she shouldn’t have supported fracking.
But she was making home ownership easier with her first home subsidy, which reduces demand for rentals and reduces rents. And her government invested a billion dollars into renewables.
People refused to vote for Harris, because they said Harris wouldn’t fundamentally change anything. Harris’s campaign slogan was “we can’t go back”, but voters didn’t believe her. They wanted change.
Donald Trump promised change and he got the votes.
The non voters who said they wanted change got what they asked for. Now they live in a fascist dictatorship.
Some people think blame is a limited resource. It’s not. Three groups are to blame for the election result:
When are we supposed to stop rewarding mediocre neoliberalism then?
When neoliberalism is consistently beating fascism.
You’re right, monarchs aren’t democratic. Which means, monarchs have no claim to represent the will of the people. The English have no choice in who King Charles is, so he doesn’t reflect on them. The Americans had a choice in Trump and they decided they wanted him over Kamala. So he’s reflective of who they are.